關於hairdressers的評價, Selena Lee 李施嬅
My hairdressers bday...
My hairdressers bday...
Dyeing my hair a new color at THE SCENE at Robinso...
【澳洲生活】不知道大家最長多久時間沒剪頭髮呢? 我以前是每年回台灣剪一次,但是這麼長、又一整年沒修還...
I was in Shanghai last weekend to host the 9th As...
台灣萬萬稅請讓開 義大利除了有誇張的寵物稅跟電視稅之外 現在又要來多個新冠病毒稅😫 全世界都在振興經...
Such an amazing experience with all these talente...
Thank you so much for interviewing me. It was suc...
Hairdressing is a profession, hairdressing is art,...
Một Show diễn "ảo diệu" về nghệ thuật tóc được th...
明報周刊 no.2447. 名人專訪: "髮型進化" (thx Faye) 髮型創造師Marco...