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關於madison wisconsin的評價, Kayavine

วันนี้เคจะพาไปชมบรรยากาศในเมืองและไปห้างใน "Madison, Wisconsin" และเคก็ต้องไปทำภารกิจบางอย่างด้วย...

關於wisconsin madison的評價, Kayavine

วันนี้เคจะพาไปชมบรรยากาศในเมืองและไปห้างใน "Madison, Wisconsin" และเคก็ต้องไปทำภารกิจบางอย่างด้วย...

美國國務卿龐皮歐在威斯康辛州參議院演講,演講前,威州參議會議長Roger Roth進行引言,其中說到「自由的威斯康辛州人跟自由的台灣人站在一起(The free people of Wisconsin stand together with the free people of Taiwan! )」 因為我們不屬於「一中」,不是中國內政,因為我們台灣人是「自由人」,我們不會像百萬新疆維吾爾族被中共關進集中營,我們不會像黃之鋒因為戴口罩被逮捕,我們不會像香港人動輒違反港版國安法而被逮捕,我們不會像中國人要被數以億計的監視器監視和進行社會計分,我們不會需要翻牆才能上想上的網站,我們不用擔心批評政府就會被消失。 註: 附上英文講稿 We have many distinguished guests who are here today and though I don’t have time to recognize everybody, I just like to introduce a few of them now. From the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Chicago- We have Director General Eric Huang, we have Deputy Director General Edward Chen, we have Deputy Director Abigail Chu. The free people of Wisconsin stand together with the free people of Taiwan! We thank you for being here! And I think nowhere in the world is democracy is fragile today than in Hong Kong and we are honored to have with us from the Hong Kong Student Association right here at UW Madison – Marco Lin (where are you?) – thank you for being here!

美國國務卿龐皮歐在威斯康辛州參議院演講,演講前,威州參議會議長Roger Roth進行引言,其中說到...