關於native english speaker的評價, 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club
#英文爛gag #廣東話唔簡單 其實難怪- If you find English intonation difficult, the tones in our native tongue...
#英文爛gag #廣東話唔簡單 其實難怪- If you find English intonation difficult, the tones in our native tongue...
Some people believe you have to be really smart to make it. They say... “You have to know...
Some people believe you have to be really smart to make it. They say... “You have to know...
#英文爛gag #廣東話唔簡單 其實難怪- If you find English intonation difficult, the tones in our native tongue...
被寸英文差,該如何應對? 【明報專訊】網友M留學英國,在當地的時裝店兼職幫補學費,卻經常被某英國同事笑她英文差,笑她連自己名字都讀不好,又在眾人面前扮她口音講英文,令她超尷尬難堪。她想要搶白,卻...
#英文爛gag #廣東話唔簡單 其實難怪- If you find English intonation difficult, the tones in our native tongue...
被寸英文差,該如何應對? 【明報專訊】網友M留學英國,在當地的時裝店兼職幫補學費,卻經常被某英...
English is so much more than just a subject that ...
英文學習與旁人目光 話說蕭叔叔在高登討論區讀到這個post: 「喺香港,你唔識英文會俾人話...
🦃美國感恩節餐盤系列之【火雞】知多少 每年11月的第四個星期四是美國的感恩節,感恩節這天是親朋好友相...