關於dar es salaam的評價, Leonardo DiCaprio
We lost a true conservation hero who fought so hard to protect Africa’s elephants. Conservationist...
We lost a true conservation hero who fought so hard to protect Africa’s elephants. Conservationist...
Salaam.. Innalillahiwa'innailaihi roji'un. I am ...
Salaam Jumaat! Have a safe & blessed weekend ♥ #fr...
Salaam! Korang buat pe tuu hari rabuu niii😍 jom la...
We lost a true conservation hero who fought so ha...
Salaam Jumaat. Happy Friday.Translated...
Salaam Jumaat.. Semalam, 9 Mei 2013, 7.26am (wakt...
Salaam my beloved FAns.. Semalam berakhir sudah '...
Salaam semua.. Dalam kesedihan kita menerima beri...
Salaam 9 Zulhijjah & Selamat Berpuasa bagi yang b...