

time in barcelona的相關標籤

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關於time in barcelona的評價, Owen Yap ( 叶剑锋 )

“我珍惜每个来到我生命中的朋友,因为我不晓得缘分何时了。不管我们之间的故事有多少,感谢你留下的微笑。即使疏离了,仍然希望你一切安好。” 火焰已熄,但温暖犹在心底。时间不断推移,世界依然美丽——因...

It’s haul time! Let’s unbox the present from Spain together. So glad to be invited for “A WALK THROUGH ART: FROM BARCELONA TO MADRID” @ MCP Central & Discovery. It’s so rare to view such remarkable masterpieces from Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum and Casa Batlló in Hong Kong. Let’s start the multi-sensory art journey with AR and VR in MCP Central & Discovery from November 13, 2019 till January 5, 2020. See you there! Wanna explore more? Get a postcard at MCP and say somethings to curator, to win tickets for your next art journey to Madrid! #MCP新都城中心 #MCPCENTRAL #MCPDISCOVERY #thyssenbornemisza #casabatlló 好開心收到來自西班牙嘅邀請卡同禮物呀! 原來今個聖誕,兩大西班牙駐名博物館(Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza)同(Casa Batlló)攜手合作,喺MCP 新都城中心@metrocityplaza舉行全球首個海外展,透過AR、VR同光雕投影互動科技,用多個全新角度帶大家欣賞世界名畫同建築風格,好期待呀! 原來響活動期間,只要參加「MCP送你機票 探索西班牙藝術文化」活動,仲有機會得到一張來回西班牙嘅機票,可以直接飛去感受當地藝術文化,好吸引呀! 一齊mark 低日子,13/11-5/1,MCP CENTRAL & DISCOVERY 見! #MCP新都城中心 #MCPCENTRAL #MCPDISCOVERY #thyssenbornemisza #casabatlló

It’s haul time! Let’s unbox the present from Spain...