關於gambling god的評價, Daphne Iking
Mum forwarded this to us. Some may not apply, but most are somewhat true. Don't know who wrote t...
Mum forwarded this to us. Some may not apply, but most are somewhat true. Don't know who wrote t...
【情債的因果】The Karma Behind Love Debts 偶爾夜深人靜時,我會想到以前...
God Of Gamblers! N.O.C - Night Owl Cinematics Styl...
Indian God of gambler coming soon in screen with ...
《王者之風》 (English version below) 妳你現在所看到照片中的人物(坐者),...
【玳瑚師父出差錄】 «傾家蕩產的人» The man who lost his fortune (E...
[143801] 10601. 噬魂者:靈魂共嗚~Soul、成為 死神之鐮?~"Soul Eate...