關於learn for future的評價, Leonardo DiCaprio
Now more than ever, the world is looking for bold leadership at every level to tackle climate chang...
Now more than ever, the world is looking for bold leadership at every level to tackle climate chang...
Tiếng Anh nó lạ ghê lun. Look là nhìn đúng hơm, nh...
"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I a...
We haven't met you yet But we know you are a gi...
Test, Trace, Vaccinate. These are three things th...
เชื่อเถอะว่า... การงานไม่ได้สำคัญไปกว่าความสัมพั...
Took part in an Extraordinary Virtual G20 Leaders’...
Tomorrow, I march for climate justice and to prot...
粉專突破30萬啦!! 是不是要來點感謝祭惹(? 真心很感謝大家這麼喜歡我~(ᗒᗨᗕ)/ 一直以來都秉...
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am...