午安! 吃飯囉! 開會真辛苦, 來輕輕鬆鬆唸十句英文, 準備吃飯去囉! 加油!
電影 “Hancock –全民英雄”, 10 句精彩對話 Part 5
Ray can’t change the world but he can change the one who can change the world.
1. You ever put out an apartment fire, Ray?
Ray, 你曾經幫公寓滅過火吧
2. This is Walter, the gray whale. Everybody remembers him stuck on the beach north of Zuma. Along comes Hancock.
這是灰鯨Walter. 大家都知道他當時擱淺在Zuma 北邊海灘, 等著Hancock來拯救 (along comes是這個意思嗎?)
3. This gets redundant after a while.
一些時日後就越積越多 (get redundant)
4. It's not a crime to be an asshole but it's counterproductive.
當個混球又不是罪人, 只是會有不良的後果
5. What springs to mind when you see this?
6. I'll give you that.
我同意你的看法 (不錯用哦!)
7. The law is the law, Mr. Hancock, and you are not above it.
法律之前人人平等, Hancock, 而你也不例外
8. From where I sit, I see a selfish, self-absorbed man with a lot of muscle, but no regard for anyone but yourself.
依我看, 你是一個肌肉發達 (a lot of muscle) 自私, 只顧自己 (self-absorbed) 的人, 凡事只想到自己, 無視他人的存在 (no regard for anyone but)
9. You have failed to show at over 600 subpoenas in civil suits.
有超過600張民事訴訟 (civil suits) 傳票 (subpoenas) 你都沒出庭應訊 (failed to show)
10. Anybody else would be held in contempt. But, oh, no. Not you.
任何人都會被判藐視法庭, 但你卻沒有
(held in contempt, disregard of or disrespect for the authority of a court of law or legislative body, contempt of court)
Ray really knows something deep inside Hancock. He is going to make Hancock start fresh, start anew.
To be continued…