OMG! Shopping maniacs spotted @Berlin Designer outlet right now! And somebody wants to copy my UGG boots style (again) a few months after he gave me mine. (Partner look freak!!!) LOL! 🙈
Can’t decide weather Choco Brown better or the Duke Black though. hmmm..
哈哈哈😆 幾個月前冬天,因爲我每天一早要在寒冬中走去上課,識相的隊長就送上一雙UGG Lux。👢 👢
結果我們才剛到outlet 走進新開的UGG,他大哥就立馬試穿起(你說說這不是情侶裝癖是什麼🤔)
哈哈而且因爲我不太能接受情侶裝這之類很高調的東西,這人還很心機地只先送老婆~然後現在又用折扣壓我!嘖嘖天蠍男真的是!😂 😂 😂 但這男的腿也長到一個很不合理🙄我選不出來啦!
#柏林日常 #母親節快樂唷🎉 🌹 @ Designer Outlet Berlin