加拿大駐聯合國大使諾頓(Leslie E. Norton)日前於 #聯合國人權理事會 第47屆會議代表40多國發表聯合聲明,呼籲中國應允許聯合國人權高級專員等獨立觀察員進入新疆調查是否有任何迫害 #人權 行為,及執行「消除歧視委員會」所規範的準則。
外交部吳部長已多次公開表示 #全球都應關注中國威權主義侵犯人權的行為。
Over 40 countries, comprising many of our allies and #LikeMindedCountries, issued a joint statement on the #HumanRights violations ongoing in #Xinjiang, echoing many of the concerns previously expressed by MOFA Minister Joseph Wu.
The cross-regional joint statement, detailing concerns over reports of arbitrary detentions, widespread surveillance, torture, forced sterilizations, sexual and gender-based violence and forced separation of parents and children, was delivered by #Canada’s Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva Leslie E. Norton, during the 47th regular session of the Human Rights Council.
The statement urged China to permit independent observers, including the High Commissioner, and to implement the eight recommendations of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Every country around the world should be aware of the repressive authoritarian acts of the CCP infringing on the rights of the Uyghur people.
全球都應關注中國威權主義侵犯人權的行為 在 【呼籲各國持續關注維吾爾... - 外交部Ministry of Foreign ... 的推薦與評價
外交部吳部長已多次公開表示#全球都應關注中國威權主義侵犯人權的行為。 此次多國要求調查中國政府對人權的迫害行為,凸顯了人權議題已經是全球多國的共識與首要之務。 ... <看更多>