提提大家, 香港愉景灣逢星期4至日,都有個 #沙灘超級迷宮!
*注意: 雷暴警告係唔會開放呀!
愉景灣好去處: http://www.iplayhk.com/?p=2923
我哋會送出 Lazybed (http://www.lazybed.co.uk/) (名額3個),等你去邊都可以懶洋洋咁休息下。
1) 讚好★香港愉景灣 Visit Discovery Bay ★專頁
2) 留言寫低你想玩啲乜同點樣玩 (限30字以內)
3) Tag 1 位你嘅朋友仔
活動截止日期: 8月4日 (星期四) 下午6時
公佈日期: 8月5日 (星期五) 下午3時
** 如有任何爭議,香港興業有限公司保留最終決定權。
[What’s your wish list for summer fun at Tai Pak Beach in next year?]
Submit your most creative suggestion for what you want to do on the beach for summer next year and how to do it, and you could be the lucky winner of an inflatable Lazybed (http://www.lazybed.co.uk/) (3 quotas) – perfect for chilling out anytime anywhere!
3 easy steps to participate – get your friends and family to chip in too!
1. Like our Visit Discovery Bay FB page
2. Send in your most creative suggestion in 30 words or less
3. Tag one of your friends in the post
Deadline: 4 August Thursday 18:00
Winner announcement: 5 August Friday 15:00
**In case of any disputes, HKR reserves the right of the final decision.