This upbeat single is a little different from any of ToR+’s previous releases and as such, immediately caught the attention of his Thai fans, when released by BEC Tero Music in Thailand.
The song in Thai, is called “Rak Ching Ching” and is now the centrepiece of his live set , with audiences engaging in a call and response of the lyrics with ToR+.
In Chinese, ToR+ has named the song “Closer To Your Heart (住進你心裡)”, with the lyric “Ching Ching ”remaining in the chorus.
Special Thank 黄美玲 and 许顺程
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Song : 住進你心裡 (Closer to Your Heart)
Producer: Charles Fisher
Music : ToR+ Saksit, Charles Fisher, Robert J Sedky
Lyrics : Po Posayanukul
Drums: Sean McCleod
Bass: Mitch Cairns
Guitars: Robert J. Sedky
Keyboards: ToR+ Saksit
Drum Programming: Charles Fisher
Vocals: ToR+ Saksit
Vocal Director : Victor Lau
Recorded at Butterfly Studio, Bangkok and Mitch Cairns Studios, Melbourne
Engineers: Kreangkrai Kusoljariyakul (Nueng), Mitch Cairns, Charles Fisher
Mixed : Chris Brown at Brownsound, London (
Mastered : Randy Merrill at Sterling Sound, NYC
你 有 最 美 的 神 情
ni you zui mei de shen qing
You have the most beautiful look
你 有 可 愛 的 聲 音
ni you ke ai de sheng yin
and you got a cute voice
太 不 合 邏 輯
tai bu he luo ji
which doesn’t make sense
遇 到 我 都 轉 過 身 去
yu dao wo dou zhuan guo shen qu
You always turn away from me every time you see me
猜 不 透 你 的 神 秘
cai bu tou ni de shen mi
Can’t read your mystery
鼓 起 千 萬 次 勇 氣
gu qi qian wan ci yong qi
I’ve been encouraged myself for thousand times
給 我 個 原 因
gei wo ge yuan yin
Give me a reason
等 待 也 要 一 點 動 力
deng dai ye yao yi dian dong li
Cause it needs a little motive to wait for you
*全 世 界 只 為 你
quan shi jie zhi wei ni
In this world, only for you
這 一刻 停 一 停
zhe yi ke ting yi ting
At this moment, take a pause
讓 我 住 進 你 心 裡
rang wo zhu jin ni xin li
Let me live into your heart
**愛靜 靜 真 愛 都 給 你
ai jing jing zhen ai dou gei ni
Love, it’s noiseless. Give you all my true love
風 靜 靜 感 受 我 的 心
feng jing jing gan shou wo de xin
Wind, it’s tranquil. Come to feel my heart.
安 靜 靜 只 想 在 一 起
an jing jing zhi xiang zai yi qi
Hush… Just wanna be with you
看 你 微 笑 的 眼 睛
kan ni wei xiao de yan jing
your eyes are smiling
證 明 你開 始 在 意
zheng ming ni kai shi zai yi
which proves you start to care
是 什 麼 道 理
shi shi me dao li
what is the reason
見 到 我 卻 不 言 不 語
jian dao wo que bu yan bu yu
you see me but say nothing at all
愛 靜 靜 百 分 百 確 定
Ai jing jing bai fen bai que ding
Love, it’s noiseless. 100% sure about it
風 靜 靜 聽 見 我 自 己
feng jing jing ting jian wo zi ji
Wind, it’s tranquil. I hear my voice talks to me:
安 靜 靜 完 全 屬 於 你
an jing jing wan quan shu yu ni
Hush… I belong to you completely
愛 靜 靜 百 分 百 確 定
Ai jing jing bai fen bai que ding
Love, it’s noiseless. 100% sure about it
風 靜 靜 聽 見 我 自 己
feng jing jing ting jian wo zi ji
Wind, it’s tranquil. I hear my voice talks to me:
安 靜 靜 完 全 屬 於 你
an jing jing wan quan shu yu ni
Hush… I belong to you completely
(讓 我 住 進 你心裡)
(rang wo zhu jin ni xin li)
(Let me live into your heart)
愛靜 靜 真 愛 都 給 你
ai jing jing zhen ai dou gei ni
Love, it’s noiseless. Give you all my true love
風 靜 靜 感 受 我 的 心
feng jing jing gan shou wo de xin
Wind, it’s tranquil. Come to feel my heart.
等 一 句 說 你 真 的 相 信
deng yi ju shuo ni zhen de xiang xin
Wait for a single word from you, say you truly believe
Official LINE Account : ToR+ SAKSIT
Weibo: torsaksit麥聖傑

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