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🔶 最後更新時間 2021 / 03 / 28 🔶
【 滿分為10顆 <3 】
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【 PS4 平台 】
最終幻想7 重製版 --- 9.05 <3
惡靈古堡3 重製版(含連線遊戲) --- 8.85 <3
海賊無雙4 --- 8.8 <3
仁王2(含DLC) --- 8.85 <3
女神異聞祿5 皇家版 --- 8.9 <3
人中之龍7 --- 8.95 <3
七龍珠Z 卡卡洛特 --- 8.95 <3
瘟疫傳說 無罪 --- 8.9 <3
黎明死線 含全DLC --- 8.75 <3
妖怪手錶4++ --- 8.85 <3
星際大戰 絕地 組織殞落 --- 8.95 <3
死亡擱淺 --- 8.95 <3
最後生還者 重製版 含DLC --- 8.9 <3
噬血代碼 --- 8.8 <3
黑相集 棉蘭號 --- 8.6 <3
魔物獵人 世界IC --- 9.0 <3
音速小子 --- 武力 8.75 <3
血咒之城 --- 8.8 <3
王國之心3 --- 8.9 <3
往日不再 --- 8.85 <3
隻狼 --- 9.2 <3
冒險聖歌 --- 8.75 <3
勇者鬥惡龍 創世小玩家2 --- 8.85 <3
惡靈古堡2 重製版 --- 9.0 <3
碧血狂殺2 --- 9.0 <3
銀河聯軍 阿特拉斯之戰 --- 8.75 <3
蜘蛛人(含DLC) --- 8.95 <3
神諭 原罪2 --- 8.90 <3
底特律 變人 --- 獨立分數 9.0 <3
黑暗靈魂 重製版 --- 9.0 <3
戰神 --- 9.1 <3
極地戰壕5 --- 8.7 <3
進擊的巨人2(DLC升級版) --- 8.8 <3
進擊的巨人2 --- 8.65 <3
魔物獵人 世界 --- 9.0 <3
德軍總部2 新巨像(含DLC) --- 8.9 <3
DDFF NT --- 8.3 <3
地平線 期待黎明(含DLC) --- 9.2 <3
邪靈入侵2 --- 8.9 <3
魔戒 中土世界 戰爭之影 --- 8.8 <3
天命2 --- 8.6 <3
秘境探險 失落的遺產 --- 8.9 <3
地獄之刃 賽奴雅的獻祭 --- 8.6 <3
惡靈古堡7(含DLC) --- 8.95 <3
勇者鬥惡龍創世小玩家1 --- 8.8 <3
進擊的巨人 --- 8.5 <3
仁王(含DLC) --- 8.8 <3
FF世界 --- 8.9 <3
FF15(含DLC) --- 8.9 <3
尼爾 人工生命 --- 8.8 <3
直到黎明 --- 8.75 <3
數碼寶貝 網路偵探 --- 8.75 <3
【 NS 平台 】
魔物獵人 崛起 --- 9.0 <3
薩爾達災厄無雙 --- 8.7 <3
集合吧!動物森友會 --- 9.0 <3
奇諾比奧隊長 --- 8.8 <3
寶可夢 劍&盾 --- 8.7 <3
路易吉鬼屋3 --- 9.0 <3
薩爾達傳說 織夢島 --- 8.95 <3
Blasphemous 褻瀆神明 --- 8.55 <3
異界鎖鏈 --- 8.95 <3
多啦A夢 牧場物語 --- 8.7 <3
聖火降魔錄 風花雪月 --- 8.9 <3
覓食者 Forager --- 8.9 <3
漫威英雄:終極聯盟 3 --- 8.6 <3
瑪莉歐工坊2 --- 8.85 <3
節奏地牢x薩爾達 --- 8.85 <3
歧路旅人 --- 8.9 <3
耀西的手工世界 --- 8.8 <3
任天堂明星大亂鬥 特別版 --- 9.1 <3
寶可夢 Let's Go 皮/伊 (老玩家) --- 9.0 <3
寶可夢 Let's Go 皮/伊 (新玩家) --- 8.65 <3
超級瑪利歐派對 --- 8.75 <3
瑪莉歐網球 王牌殺手 --- 8.8 <3
寶可夢探險尋寶 --- 8.85 <3
大金剛 熱帶急凍 --- 8.7 <3
星之卡比 --- 8.65 <3
薩爾達無雙 --- 8.5 <3
異度神劍2(黃金國伊拉資料片) --- 8.9 <3
異度神劍2(含DLC) --- 8.8 <3
瑪莉歐奧德賽 --- 9.2 <3
聖火降魔錄無雙 --- 8.75 <3
瑪莉歐與瘋狂兔子 王國之戰(含DLC) --- 8.95 <3
漆彈大作戰2(含DLC) --- 8.9 <3
漆彈大作戰2(不含DLC) --- 8.75 <3
魔物獵人XX --- 8.35 <3
ARMS --- 8.75 <3
薩爾達傳說 荒野之息(含DLC) --- 9.3 <3
薩爾達傳說 荒野之息(不含DLC) --- 9.0 <3
瑪莉歐賽車8DX --- 8.65 <3
寶可拳DX(含DLC) --- 8.5
同時也有46部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過52萬的網紅巴哈姆特電玩瘋,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《勇者鬥惡龍 怪物狂歡派對》 iOS 下載網址: https://itunes.apple.com/tw/app/id1133055006 Android 下載網址: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tw.sonet.dqmp 《Lege...
勇者鬥 惡 龍 探險 尋寶 在 Yi HSY Facebook 的最讚貼文
🔶 個人主觀的遊戲作品綜合分數評價 🔶
🔶 最後更新時間 2020 / 04 / 04 🔶
【 滿分為10顆 <3 】
此篇文會置頂並不斷更新最新個人主觀評分 ~
【 PS4 平台 】
惡靈古堡3 重製版(含連線遊戲) ---
海賊無雙4 --- 8.8
仁王2(含DLC) --- 8.85
女神異聞祿5 皇家版 --- 8.9
人中之龍7 --- 8.95 <3
七龍珠Z 卡卡洛特 --- 8.95 <3
瘟疫傳說 無罪 --- 8.9 <3
黎明死線 含全DLC --- 8.75 <3
妖怪手錶4++ --- 8.85 <3
星際大戰 絕地 組織殞落 --- 8.95 <3
死亡擱淺 --- 8.95 <3
最後生還者 重製版 含DLC --- 8.9 <3
噬血代碼 --- 8.8 <3
黑相集 棉蘭號 --- 8.6 <3
魔物獵人 世界IC --- 9.0 <3
音速小子 --- 武力 8.75 <3
血咒之城 --- 8.8 <3
王國之心3 --- 8.9 <3
往日不再 --- 8.85 <3
隻狼 --- 9.2 <3
冒險聖歌 --- 8.75 <3
勇者鬥惡龍 創世小玩家2 --- 8.85 <3
惡靈古堡2 重製版 --- 9.0 <3
碧血狂殺2 --- 9.0 <3
銀河聯軍 阿特拉斯之戰 --- 8.75 <3
蜘蛛人(含DLC) --- 8.95 <3
神諭 原罪2 --- 9.0 <3
底特律 變人 --- 獨立分數 9.0 <3
黑暗靈魂 重製版 --- 9.0 <3
戰神 --- 9.1 <3
極地戰壕5 --- 8.7 <3
進擊的巨人2(DLC升級版) --- 8.8 <3
進擊的巨人2 --- 8.65 <3
魔物獵人 世界 --- 9.0 <3
德軍總部2 新巨像(含DLC) --- 8.9 <3
DDFF NT --- 8.3 <3
地平線 期待黎明(含DLC) --- 9.2 <3
邪靈入侵2 --- 8.9 <3
魔戒 中土世界 戰爭之影 --- 8.8 <3
天命2 --- 8.6 <3
秘境探險 失落的遺產 --- 8.9 <3
地獄之刃 賽奴雅的獻祭 --- 8.6 <3
惡靈古堡7(含DLC) --- 8.95 <3
勇者鬥惡龍創世小玩家1 --- 8.8 <3
進擊的巨人 --- 8.5 <3
仁王(含DLC) --- 8.8 <3
FF世界 --- 8.9 <3
FF15(含DLC) --- 8.9 <3
尼爾 人工生命 --- 8.8 <3
直到黎明 --- 8.75 <3
數碼寶貝 網路偵探 --- 8.75 <3
【 NS 平台 】
集合吧!動物森友會 --- 9.0 <3
奇諾比奧隊長 --- 8.8 <3
寶可夢 劍&盾 --- 8.7 <3
路易吉鬼屋3 --- 9.0 <3
薩爾達傳說 織夢島 --- 8.95 <3
Blasphemous 褻瀆神明 --- 8.55 <3
異界鎖鏈 --- 8.95 <3
多啦A夢 牧場物語 --- 8.7 <3
聖火降魔錄 風花雪月 --- 8.9 <3
覓食者 Forager --- 8.9 <3
漫威英雄:終極聯盟 3 --- 8.6 <3
瑪莉歐工坊2 --- 8.85 <3
節奏地牢x薩爾達 --- 8.85 <3
歧路旅人 --- 8.9 <3
耀西的手工世界 --- 8.8 <3
任天堂明星大亂鬥 特別版 --- 9.1 <3
寶可夢 Let's Go 皮/伊 (老玩家) --- 9.0 <3
寶可夢 Let's Go 皮/伊 (新玩家) --- 8.65 <3
超級瑪利歐派對 --- 8.75 <3
瑪莉歐網球 王牌殺手 --- 8.8 <3
寶可夢探險尋寶 --- 8.85 <3
大金剛 熱帶急凍 --- 8.7 <3
星之卡比 --- 8.65 <3
薩爾達無雙 --- 8.5 <3
異度神劍2(黃金國伊拉資料片) --- 8.9 <3
異度神劍2(含DLC) --- 8.8 <3
瑪莉歐奧德賽 --- 9.2 <3
聖火降魔錄無雙 --- 8.75 <3
瑪莉歐與瘋狂兔子 王國之戰(含DLC) --- 8.95 <3
漆彈大作戰2(含DLC) --- 8.9 <3
漆彈大作戰2(不含DLC) --- 8.75 <3
魔物獵人XX --- 8.35 <3
ARMS --- 8.75 <3
薩爾達傳說 荒野之息(含DLC) --- 9.3 <3
薩爾達傳說 荒野之息(不含DLC) --- 9.0 <3
瑪莉歐賽車8DX --- 8.65 <3
寶可拳DX(含DLC) --- 8.5 <3
勇者鬥 惡 龍 探險 尋寶 在 巴哈姆特電玩瘋 Youtube 的最佳解答
《勇者鬥惡龍 怪物狂歡派對》
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可來信至crazy@gamer.com.tw 與專人聯絡。
勇者鬥 惡 龍 探險 尋寶 在 Jonstyle Youtube 的最讚貼文
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More Videos 更多影片:
❤ Uncharted 4 | 秘境探險4 : https://goo.gl/FHsHlw
❤ Uncharted 4 | 秘境探險4 寶藏位置大公開: https://goo.gl/kI5VaR
❤ 勇者鬥惡龍 創世小玩家: https://goo.gl/ip4weW
❤ 火影忍者疾風傳 終極風暴4: https://goo.gl/SIFUV1
❤ The Division | 全境封鎖: https://goo.gl/se0x3z
❤ COC | 部落衝突: https://goo.gl/F5NGfC
❤ GTA5 Funny moments: https://goo.gl/TTrjAc
如果你喜歡我的影片 ❤請訂閱❤ 是支持我最大動力!
The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1: Envoys, Wineboys
Blood and Wine is the final expansion for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt -- an award-winning role-playing game set in a vast fantasy open world.
Become professional monster slayer Geralt of Rivia and explore Toussaint, a remote land untouched by war, where you will unravel the horrifying secret behind a beast terrorizing the kingdom. With all trails leading to dead ends, only a witcher can solve the mystery and survive the evil lurking in the night. Introducing an entirely new realm to traverse, new characters and monsters, Blood and Wine is a 20+ hour adventure full of dark deeds, unexpected twists, romance and deceit.
"Death comes to the land of wine"
Explore an entirely new part of The Witcher's vast open world -- the land of wine, Toussaint. Embark on over 30 hours of new adventures and discover a land unlike anything you've seen in Wild Hunt or Hearts of Stone. Visit new points of interest and set out on new side-quests in a realm rivalling No Man's Land or Novigrad in size. Kick back and relax in your very own vineyard, a real home away from home.
Unravel the mystery of the strange killings -- investigate a series of brutal murders and decipher the pattern to predict who's going to die next. Discover the dirty secrets of Toussaint's capital, Beauclair -- explore the city by day, ask questions by night. Use new gear, items, and combine them with your skill to slay monsters never before seen in the series.
Embark on your final quest in a world still brimming with things to do. Visit a world of fairytales gone wrong and battle surreal creatures you know from children's tales and books. Dye witcher armors in different colors thanks to an all-new game mechanic. Take on knights in a grand tourney to show your true fighting skill, or set out to discover the gruesome mystery behind a spoon-collecting creature known as a wight. Team up with powerful allies to take down the beast terrorizing the kingdom, or turn a blind eye to what's going on and play Gwent with an all-new Skellige deck.
勇者鬥 惡 龍 探險 尋寶 在 Jonstyle Youtube 的最佳解答
✦ Facebook臉書: https://www.facebook.com/bunbunjon
✦ Donate贊助: https://www.twitchalerts.com/donate/jonstyle69
✦ Website網站: http://www.jonstyle.com/
✦ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jonstyle68
✦ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonstyle69
More Videos 更多影片:
❤ Uncharted 4 | 秘境探險4 : https://goo.gl/FHsHlw
❤ Uncharted 4 | 秘境探險4 寶藏位置大公開: https://goo.gl/kI5VaR
❤ 勇者鬥惡龍 創世小玩家: https://goo.gl/ip4weW
❤ 火影忍者疾風傳 終極風暴4: https://goo.gl/SIFUV1
❤ The Division | 全境封鎖: https://goo.gl/se0x3z
❤ COC | 部落衝突: https://goo.gl/F5NGfC
❤ GTA5 Funny moments: https://goo.gl/TTrjAc
如果你喜歡我的影片 ❤請訂閱❤ 是支持我最大動力!
The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1: Envoys, Wineboys
Blood and Wine is the final expansion for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt -- an award-winning role-playing game set in a vast fantasy open world.
Become professional monster slayer Geralt of Rivia and explore Toussaint, a remote land untouched by war, where you will unravel the horrifying secret behind a beast terrorizing the kingdom. With all trails leading to dead ends, only a witcher can solve the mystery and survive the evil lurking in the night. Introducing an entirely new realm to traverse, new characters and monsters, Blood and Wine is a 20+ hour adventure full of dark deeds, unexpected twists, romance and deceit.
"Death comes to the land of wine"
Explore an entirely new part of The Witcher's vast open world -- the land of wine, Toussaint. Embark on over 30 hours of new adventures and discover a land unlike anything you've seen in Wild Hunt or Hearts of Stone. Visit new points of interest and set out on new side-quests in a realm rivalling No Man's Land or Novigrad in size. Kick back and relax in your very own vineyard, a real home away from home.
Unravel the mystery of the strange killings -- investigate a series of brutal murders and decipher the pattern to predict who's going to die next. Discover the dirty secrets of Toussaint's capital, Beauclair -- explore the city by day, ask questions by night. Use new gear, items, and combine them with your skill to slay monsters never before seen in the series.
Embark on your final quest in a world still brimming with things to do. Visit a world of fairytales gone wrong and battle surreal creatures you know from children's tales and books. Dye witcher armors in different colors thanks to an all-new game mechanic. Take on knights in a grand tourney to show your true fighting skill, or set out to discover the gruesome mystery behind a spoon-collecting creature known as a wight. Team up with powerful allies to take down the beast terrorizing the kingdom, or turn a blind eye to what's going on and play Gwent with an all-new Skellige deck.