Mount Nicholson is located at the southern side of Wan Chai. It is 430m high. Microwave equipment for television broadcasting (one concrete structure) are found at the mountain's peak and closed from public access by fencing and topped with barbed wire. There are popular spots “Eagle Head Rock” and “Mask Rock” on the southern hillside. There is also one vertical wall attracting hill climbers.
▼路線分享 ‧【聶高信山 Mount Nicholson】: https://wp.me/P6CvAS-f2E
▼路線分享 ‧【南風道林地|班納山 Nam Fung Rd. Woodland|Bennet's Hill】: https://wp.me/P6CvAS-h5x
Music: Coming Back to Life by Carlos Estella (Jamendo Music: https://www.jamendo.com)
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#聶高信山 #南風道林地 #山野航拍 #Phantom4A #自己垃圾自己帶走