今年3/25台美簽署的 #台美設立海巡工作小組備忘錄 後,今天召開了首次 #台美海巡工作小組 視訊會議,為雙方海事合作開啟新篇章。
海巡署-藍色國土的守護者 與美國海岸巡防隊 討論了 #海上執法、#打擊非法與未報告及不受規範的漁業活動、#聯合海上搜救 等議題。
工作小組未來將 #定期召開會議,強化雙邊因應區域海事挑戰的能力,台灣也樂意與美國等理念相近國家持續合作並捍衛自由、開放及有規則的國際海事秩序!
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In the #DeepBlueSea there’s more than just sharks and jellyfish to worry about, with illegal, unreported and unregulated (#IUU) fishing, pirates and a whole host of illicit activity. The #Taiwan-#US Coast Guard Working Group was set up earlier this year as a forum to improve communications, build cooperation, and share information on combating these kinds of activities and coordinating on #MaritimeSearchAndRescue missions and today marks the first online meeting for the working group.
The group will meet regularly to discuss matters of mutual concern in order to strengthen coordination on pressing maritime law enforcement and assistance concerns between the two nations.
Taiwan will continue to work with like-minded partners to ensure free and open oceans and adherence to international maritime law.