工作坊企業第三彈 #羅技電子🎉🎉
Logitech International S.A. 羅技電子是一家著重創新與品質的瑞士公司
除了 #在清大的企業工作坊
羅技電子還特別加開10/16(五)下午 #在公司舉行的工作坊
We have several ideas for the challenge, teams can pick one or many.
For gaming (Logitech G SDK link is here):
1) Future ways of working
Whether working from the Office, Home, or on the move.
Working with remote teams can be a challenge, especially in multiple locations/time zones.
How might we enable people and teams to be at their best every day? Communicate in asmooth way.
How might we enable people to continue, grow, or keep/build a connection to theircommunity(s)?
2) Education anywhere
How can we leverage the recent equipment, in software, AI, and machine learning, to helpthe education sector?
Help students and teachers during lockdowns or remote classes. i.e.Favor participation, engagement during classes.
3) WOW! Wireless gaming
How might we improve the wireless gaming device to let the user have a more fantastic gaming experience?
4) Ethical gaming world
How might we leverage on gaming community and technology to fight against gamingunethical behavior, e.g. abuse, cheating, etc.
1. Topic Introduction
2. SDK Functions Introduction
3. SDK hands-on
〔合作企業〕 LINE、羅技電子、台灣美光、意法半導體、Girls in Tech
〔贊助企業〕 AWS、曉數碼、國泰金控、Google、中華電信、原相科技、PChome、104資訊科技、Nokia
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