Taiwan’s Ambassador to Honduras 🇭🇳 ️Ingrid Hsing recently took part in the press conference for the Seventh El Heraldo Cycling Tour 🚵♂️🚵♀️ of Tegucigalpa, which will kick off on September 23 this year. Taiwan has sponsored the 42-kilometer-race, hosted by El Heraldo, the largest paper in the country, for many years. The proceeds from registration fees will be donated to the National Association for the Development of the Blind People of Honduras.
宏都拉斯大報「前鋒報」(El Heraldo)📰 舉辦的「宏京自行車賽」已經邁入第7屆囉~ 每年都吸引世界各地的自行車好手前去大展腳下功夫🚲,而我中華民國駐宏都拉斯大使館 Embajada de la República de China - Taiwan en Honduras,也把握這個體育盛會行銷臺灣自行車和電動腳踏車,讓優質MIT在國際伸展臺上,永遠走在最前面🤗!
✅更多新聞 https://goo.gl/Yxdhrb
La embajadora de la República de China (Taiwán) en Honduras Ingrid Hsing participó en el Lanzamiento de la Séptima Vuelta Ciclística de Diario El Heraldo.