【心情隨筆】今天我們帶著八十八高齡的阿公阿嬤回到他們的老家— 台南的新營👀
五十年前的他們帶著四個孩子以及全身家當,買了單程車票上來了台北🚂 據說當時幼小的舅舅連鞋子都沒有...👟 一切從零開始...
二十年來沒踏入新營,許多街景早已經跟以前不一樣... 阿嬤問著街上的人,尋找以前熟悉的店面,不是換了位置,就是她認識的都已經不在了...只剩下後代守著同個攤位...
不過我們有找到幾個認識阿嬤的人,那個重逢場景真令人感動😢 認識阿嬤的「後倍」現在也都六七十歲。在這個年紀的人朋友越來越少,更珍惜這得來不易的重逢💕
我以前覺得尋根到底是為了什麼... 如果沒有人認識你,去了那邊又如何... 但是看到阿嬤這樣子,雖然我不認識那些人,但是知道是親戚還是很想要流淚😿
無論如何我們很開心今天帶了阿公阿嬤到台南一日遊, 讓老人家少了一個遺憾❤️
Ps. 在高雄與台北的各位別忘了這週末的分享會唷😊
★ 10/26(六)高雄:旅行養分|19:30~21:30(名額有限,報名➡️ http://bit.ly/2n3cyfm)
★ 10/13(日)百岳戶外裝備-台北旗艦館|14:00-15:30(名額有限,報名→ https://bit.ly/2nym2PJ)
☆ 10/26(六)政大書城-高雄夢時代|17:00~18:00
★ 10/27(日)台北紀伊國屋-微風|15:00~16:00
☆ 11/16(六)誠品-台中園道店|19:30~20:30
➡️ 跟著Winny勇闖中美洲→ https://bit.ly/2kYdpgt
➡️地心引力抓不住的冒險家→ https://goo.gl/RYPSTp
#台南 #返鄉 #尋根
Today we took our 88 yr old grandparents to the town they were born👀 280KM from Taipei...
They left the place 50 years ago to make a better future in the capital city with nothing but 4 small children👩👧👦 Apparently my uncle didn't even own shoes...👟
Grandma wanted to visit the place again before she passes 😞 So much has changed since her last visit here twenty years ago...🏠
No one from her generation were still alive💀 However some younger ones (now in 70s) still remembers her❤️
I used to think finding roots is a lame thing... But when I watched my grandparents asking the stalls one by one whether ppl knew the ppl they knew... It was quite emotional when they found someone😢
It really brought tears to my eyes... I also wondered for kids like us who grew up overseas, will we ever feel so strongly for our "roots"? Or we just confused...
Either way.. I'm really happy we did this for grandparents and made this 10 hour day trip down to Tainan for them❤️
#grandparents #tainan #love