#斯洛伐克 政府跨部會決議 #提高 贈台疫苗達16萬劑
外交部代表台灣政府及2,300萬人民向 #斯洛伐克 表達由衷感謝~
斯國經濟部次長 Karol Galek 強調台灣先前提供他們70萬片口罩
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Ďakujem to #Slovakia for increasing the country's generous donation of vaccines to #Taiwan to 160,000 doses, set to be shipped here on September 25. 2nd State Secretary of the Slovakian Ministry of Economy Karol Galek said he was happy to give back to Taiwan after we previously donated 700,000 masks to the country.
Taiwan is heartened to see relations with our democratic partners in Eastern European countries go from strength to strength in these difficult times. The 23 million Taiwanese people will not forget this act of solidarity!
夾酷m 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的最佳貼文
【疫情下互助的光輝照耀台斯兩國 ✨✨】
今年,斯國不僅通過決議案支持台灣參與WHA展現友台立場,這次更主動透過「歐盟公民保護機制」, #將捐贈台灣1萬劑疫苗!對斯洛伐克的真誠友誼及善意,外交部表達由衷感謝!我們會與斯洛伐克政府保持密切聯繫,確認疫苗種類及運送時程等細節。
台斯兩國在各領域都是理念相近的密切合作夥伴,雖然還無法來個斯洛伐克報答之旅,請大家先把斯洛伐克語的「謝謝」Ďakujem 學起來吧!
MOFA would like to thank our friends in #Slovakia after the country announced its intention to donate 10,000 vaccines to Taiwan through the European Civil Protection Mechanism.
The government and private sector of Taiwan previously donated 700,000 masks to the country during the height of the pandemic and returning the gesture is greatly appreciated at a time when solidarity is of the utmost importance in the battle to #EndThisPandemic. Slovakia’s National Council’s Foreign Affairs Committee also passed a resolution in support of #Taiwan’s participation in the #WorldHealthAssembly earlier this year and Taiwan is on the country’s green list, meaning travelers from Taiwan do not have to undergo quarantine on entering the country.
We’ll continue to cooperate closely with the country across a range of fields.
夾酷m 在 【RXAV-06】酷架出風口旋轉勾式360度微重力夾手機架CRUX 的推薦與評價

【RXAV-06】酷架出風口旋轉勾式360度微重力夾手機架CRUX. 182 views 1 year ago. 迪克車架digidock. 迪克車架digidock ... 1.7 M views 2 years ago ... ... <看更多>
夾酷m 在 #我都念夾酷m - एक्सप्लोर करें | Facebook 的推薦與評價
台灣跟斯洛伐克其實比你想得更靠近,我們政府及民間去年捐贈70萬片口罩展現互助友誼,而斯國在去年10/1也首開歐盟先例,將台灣列入「綠色安全名單」,使台灣民眾入境 ... ... <看更多>