要勇敢面對自己不容易, 特別在這個地方, 對我們還有很多不友善的反響。 不過仍然要相信, 這裡會有希望。 就算身邊沒有人明白你, 你也有站在自己信念的那一方, 因為連你不相信自己, 又如何叫人相信你呢?
#自己人生由自己做主 #我不完美但我可以
#做自己 #坐自己 #曾崇倫 #這輯相太令人害羞了吧
#如果輯相有唔同身型種族性取向既人可能會更有意思 #但眼晴不小心吃了很多冰淇淋 #科科 #藍編
最後一波的宣傳活動開始!還沒搶到的手刀至以下連結搶購 https://shopee.tw/thebadroomdance/676623277
做自己 Be Yourself
請勇敢的做自己,勇敢的愛自己! 自己的人生自己做主,別因為他人的惡意言語而忽略自己的美好。如果連自己都不相信自己,要如何說服別人相信你?在這處處是霸凌的世界,學會讓自己更堅強。沒有人是完美的,每個人都存在著優點與缺點,別只顧著擔心自己的不足、卻忘了自己好的地方,反而把自己的光芒熄滅了! 我們都要勇敢的面對自己,戰勝自己的缺點,發揚自己的優點!讓我們勇敢的做自己、愛自己,唯有自信才能讓你發光發亮!
Be True to Yourself
Be Brave, Be Beautiful, Be In Love With Yourself
Take charge of your life. Remember that true beauty is inside of you, no matter what kind of criticism comes your way. The first step in getting others to believe in you is to believe in yourself.
Be brave when facing a world full of bullies. Be strong. Remember that nobody is perfect – everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Stop worrying about your own shortcomings. Feed your strengths instead. Nurture the flame within you, and keep it burning bright.
We have to know ourselves, recognize our own value, overcome our challenges, and show our strengths! Be yourself. Be bold. Be you. Have confidence in yourself, and you will truly shine, inside and out.