【🌎國際環境公約小語 - 聯合國氣候變化綱要公約】
Ready to learn about the United Nations Framework on Climate Change Convention? Drafted and signed by #UN member states in 1992 and entering into force in 1994, the #UNFCCC aims to combat #ClimateChange and #GlobalWarming🌡️. Every year the UNFCCC hosts a conference of parties (COP), the most important of which have been COP 3, which passed the #KyotoProtocol, and COP 21, which passed the #ParisAgreement. These two agreements outline the environmental goals of the global community and the responsibility of developed and developing countries.
As a responsible member of the global community, Taiwan has made efforts to align itself with the resolutions and agreements undertaken at each conference.
「聯合國氣候變化綱要公約」(UNFCCC),氣候變遷界🌦️最重要的國際大會,今年已經第24屆 (COP24)啦!UNFCCC COP24預計冬天時在波蘭的卡托維茲市 (Katowice)舉行,先讓小編和外粉介紹一下UNFCCC的歷史吧...
因為氣候暖化和冰河融解,影響人類生存危機,在1992年聯合國地球高峰會中,討論了地球永續發展議題並通過UNFCCC,承諾致力對抗氣候變遷✊ 1994年公約正式生效,之後每年開一次會議,1997年簽署京都議定書,2015年的COP21則簽署了知名的巴黎協定唷~
✅SDG#6清潔飲水 https://goo.gl/p39yzp
✅華盛頓公約 https://goo.gl/YEjL6C
✅蒙特婁議定書 https://goo.gl/Rsep8v