”Ke-Xi Wu carries this film. She gives a powerhouse performance
There is so much emotion that she has to invoke."
"She is such a talent and hopefully we will see her in more leading performances."
"By combining dream sequences and flashbacks it comes difficult to figure out where we are in place and time, which is an interesting way to empathize with Nina."
“The film also looks incredible. There are so many scenes that are drenched in red light, red costuming, or set pieces. It evokes so many of the complicated emotions that they are trying to bring forth in the story; passion, anger, romance, and lust.”
#灼人秘密美術團隊 👍 ADALA Studio 郭志達美術工作室
The film is now playing on virtual cinemas and hits VOD platforms next Friday (April 2nd). Film Movement Museum of the Moving Image MovieJawn