第一天的活動中,AIT也邀請到三位數位創意領袖—宜蘭花蓮數位機會中心須文蔚主任、擊樂家張幼欣小姐以及「媽咪愛社群電商平台暨My83 保險網」創辦人張瑜珊小姐,和大家分享她們的專業和熱情。另外要感謝微軟台灣AI研發中心張仁炯執行長為大家介紹 AI 新視野。明天我們會分享更多精采內容和活動照片喔!
The 2020 Girls Tech Bootcamp kicked off TODAY! 60 high school girl students from across Taiwan embarked on a three-day program at National Dong Hwa University. The campers will learn STEM English, Minecraft programming, Artificial Intelligence and women’s leadership. In his opening remarks, AIT Director Brent Christensen mentioned “shared values form the foundation of the U.S.-Taiwan partnership. Among those shared values are our dedication to academic freedom and the belief that persons of all genders should have equal access to professional and educational opportunities. Additionally, the United States and Taiwan believe that our democratic values are best served by informed and robust civic participation. We hope that this program will advance these shared values.”
On the first day, in addition to STEM English and coding classes, three encouraging mentors -- Dr. Shiu, Wen-wei, the Director of the Digital Opportunity Center in Yilan and Hualien, Ms. Alice Chang, Founder of MamiLove and My83, and Ms. Sayun Chang, a Musician -- explained to the campers their backgrounds, careers, and passions. We also want to thank Mr. Michael Chang, Directror-General of Microsoft AI R&D Center for giving an overview of new trends in AI. Stay tuned for more from the camp! #GirlsTechBootcamp #AIT程式少女特訓營 #AI
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