Following on from its debut in New York’s 🗽 ️Garment District, Rebirth, an installation by Taiwanese sculptor #KangMuxiang crafted from old elevator cable from #Taipei101, has come to TwinOaks, along with 7 other of his scuptures🗿, to celebrate the historic estate’s 130th anniversary! For more information 👉https://goo.gl/JQKbDY
結束在紐約時尚特區施展「吸睛大法」👀後,這群圓滾滾的鋼雕創作,正式進駐華府🇺🇲,要和我國 駐美國台北經濟文化代表處 Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the US一起慶祝雙橡園130週年啦!🥂
康木祥工作室 Kang Muxiang Studio的《重生》系列作品,是利用台北101大樓🌇淘汰鋼纜製作的環保再生鋼雕,其中高3.2公尺、重3.7噸的「雙生」,創作靈感正是來自雙橡園🏡~ 透過層層纏繞相連的鋼索,扭轉出合而為一的兩個生命,象徵和平相融,也代表臺美兩國間的合作共榮!😉
更多新聞 https://goo.gl/7h4G4e
關於「雙橡園」不可不知的事 https://goo.gl/u61An4
「重生」@紐約時尚特區 https://goo.gl/PECn5R