上星期便去了位於尖沙咀機能再生 ANKH ,體驗RDS極速去痛技術 。佢地除左有13年專業去痛症經驗外,仲係市場上NO.1去痛症專家。
5 大療程功效
1. 修復關節及肌肉痛症
2. 提升關節活動能力
3. 強化肌肉及預防萎縮
4. 延緩關節老化
5. 改善血液循環及消腫
「機能再生ANKH 」的理念是由身體機能出發,透過國際專利技術及內調體質療法,從根源改善機能衰退等帶來的亞健康問題,再次煥活機能再生力量,逆轉衰老時鐘,令身體機能回復年輕健康。
#機能再生ANKH #RDS極速去痛技術 #肩頸痛 #肩周炎 #五十肩 #即時止痛 #慢性痛症 #勞損 #痛症 #減痛 #舒緩痛楚 #膝痛 #腰背痛
機能再生 ANKH
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ankh.com.hk
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過80萬的網紅果籽,也在其Youtube影片中提到,痛,對於每一個人來說都是一種既熟悉又害怕的感覺。當我們面對身體上的痛楚時,我們大多數都不會認真處理,有時只會貼鎮痛貼、自行服用止痛藥,甚至「死忍」。其實「痛」的背後有很大的學問,醫學界甚至成立了「疼痛專科」來專門負責處理不同痛症。 痛症主要分為三大類:急性痛症、慢性痛症及癌症痛症。急性痛症是暫...
慢性痛症 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答
牛大力 — 性平,有補虛潤肺、強筋活絡的功效,有助紓緩腰肌勞損、風濕性關節炎等症狀。
鬆筋藤 — 又名寛筋藤,性涼,有舒筋活絡、祛風止痛的作用,有助紓緩風濕痹痛、腰肌勞損、跌打損傷等症狀。
巴戟 — 性溫,有補腎陽、強筋骨、祛風濕的功效,有助紓緩肝腎不足的筋骨痿軟、腰膝疼痛等症狀。
伸筋草 — 性溫,有祛風散寒、除濕消腫、舒筋活血的作用,有助紓緩風寒濕痺引致的關節酸痛等症狀。
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Herbs to soothe joints and improve blood circulation
Many people have experienced different types of joint pain such as neck discomfort, mouse shoulder (shoulder pain caused by long hours of working in front of computer), and soreness around the waist area due to bad postures.
They seem to think these discomforts are minor problems. Instead of going to the doctor, they would ask their family members to massage their body or use pain relief patch.
According to the Chinese Medicine theories, the liver governs the joints, the spleen governs the muscles, and the kidneys govern the bones. Since musculoskeletal pain is closely related to the health of our internal organs, we must take good care of the liver, spleen, and kidneys to relieve the symptoms above.
We can actually find many ‘treasures’ that can soothe the joints and improve blood circulation in Chinese Medicine halls. They are generally brownish in color and come in bars or strips, for instance, millettia root (‘niu da li’), Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Merr (‘song jin teng’), Morinda root (‘ba ji’), and Herba Lycopodii (‘shen jin cao’). These medicinal herbs can strengthen the joints and promote blood circulation, so do consider using them to make soup.
Millettia root (‘niu da li’) — mild in nature; can nourish and moisten the lungs, strengthen the joints, promote blood circulation, and relieve muscle soreness and rheumatoid arthritis.
Tinospora sinensis (Lour.) Merr (‘song jin teng’) — also known as ‘kuan jin teng’ in Mandarin, and it is cool in nature; can relieve joint pain, improve blood circulation, dispel wind from the body, and relieve rheumatic arthralgia, muscle soreness, bruises, and injuries.
Morinda root (‘ba ji’) — warm in nature; can nourish the yang in the kidneys, strengthen the joints and bones, dispel wind-dampness from the body, and relieve the pain on joints, bones, waist, and knees that are caused by the deficiencies in the kidney and liver.
Herba Lycopodii (‘shen jin cao’) — warm in nature; can dispel wind and cold, dispel dampness from the body, reduce edema, soothe the joints, promote blood circulation, and relieve joint pain that is caused by anemofrigid-damp arthralgia (‘feng han shi bi’)
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#男 #女 #我煩躁 #濕熱
慢性痛症 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最讚貼文
1. 坐在有高靠背的椅子上,將按摩球放在上背部與椅子之間,以背部慢慢滾動按摩球,如遇到痛點可持續按壓約1分鐘,其餘位置滾動約3分鐘。
2. 靠牆站立,雙膝向下微曲,將按摩球放在提肩胛肌,向後用力壓牆約1分鐘。左手踭提起然後放下,重覆約3-5次,換另一邊提肩胛肌重覆動作。
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DIY massage
Sometimes when we experience soreness on the neck or waist, we might want to have a massage to relieve the discomfort. The only thing that is stopping us is the price we have to pay for each session.
Have you tried giving yourself a massage? All you need is a massage ball. Even a tennis or golf ball can work as well. By rolling and pressing the ball against your body, you can relieve the tension on the muscles and improve the circulation of the blood in areas like your neck and your back in the most economical way. If pain persists, do consult medical experts.
To relieve pain in the neck and shoulders
Suitable for: individuals who regularly use the computer
1. Sit on a high-back chair and place the massage ball between the back and the chair. Start rolling the ball against the chair by moving the back of your body. Roll and press the ball against the area of discomfort for about 1 minute and complete the entire session in 3 minutes.
2. Lean against the wall and bend your knees. Place the massage ball on the levator scapula and press it against the wall for about 1 minute. Then, raise your left hand and put it down. Repeat the same steps 3-5 times. Repeat the same steps for the other side of your levator scapula.
Relieve the jogger's heel (Plantar fasciitis)
Suitable for: individuals who stand or walk for a long time or those who enjoy jogging and hiking
Method: Lean against a wall or the side of a chair and place the massage ball beneath the arch of the foot. Curl the toes downward and exert pressure on the ball using the weight of the body. Roll the ball with the foot sole and massage the pain area for about 1 minute. Then roll the ball from the heel to the toes, and repeat the steps for about 2 minutes. Repeat the same steps for the other foot.
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#男 #女 #我狀態OK
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#果籽 #醫生 #痛症 #專科 #癌症 #腸胃炎 #StayHome #WithMe #跟我一樣 #宅在家

慢性痛症 在 Cosmopolitan HK Youtube 的最佳貼文
走在街上,看見不論男女老幼都成了「低頭族」,看手機的時間比甚麼都長;而上班族更需要長期使用電腦,如坐姿不良便會引起身體慢性痛症,造成「都市勞損」。一連四集Cosmo FIt Friday找來前香港藝術體操代表陳詠詩Stacey分享一些伸展運動或貼士,第二集針對頸部及腰部伸展,教大家紓緩一直忽視的身體勞損!
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慢性痛症 在 Cosmopolitan HK Youtube 的精選貼文
都市人日常生活中有不少慣性壞習慣,如長期姿態不正確等,長始下去會導致身體慢性痛症,就是所謂的「都市勞損」。一連四集Cosmo FIt Friday找來前香港藝術體操代表陳詠詩Stacey分享一些伸展運動或貼士,齊齊對抗都市勞損,第一集由紓緩肩膊痛開始!
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Cosmopolitan HK: https://www.Cosmopolitan.com.hk
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慢性痛症 在 慢性痛症 - 香港大學李嘉誠醫學院 的相關結果
慢性痛症. 張志偉醫生. 香港大學內外全科醫學士. 香港醫學專科學院院士(麻醉科). 香港麻醉科學院院士. 香港麻醉科醫學院疼痛科文憑. 香港大學大學堂社監. ... <看更多>
慢性痛症 在 慢性痛症 - Brain Spine 的相關結果
慢性痛症 ,又稱頑固或長期慢性痛症。人體任何部位疼痛持續三個月或以上就是慢性痛症的患者。根據世界衛生組織的最新指引,慢性痛症被定義為一種疾病而不僅僅是其他疾病 ... ... <看更多>
慢性痛症 在 慢性疼痛:原因、症狀、診斷、治療- Hello 醫師 的相關結果
慢性疼痛 是指任何持續超過3個月以上的疼痛。當患有慢性疼痛時,您的神經系統會從身體接收到固定的疼痛訊號,可能持續幾個月甚至於好幾年 ... ... <看更多>