💚 居家隔離烹飪 〜 扁豆蘑菇義大利麵
Quarantine Cooking 〜Mushroom & lentil Bolognese ☘️
For the English version of the recipe, please go to Harvest Vegetarian Kitchen.
大家可以在材料方面作適量的調換。如果沒有 2 罐 400g 的罐裝綠扁豆 (1 罐瀝乾後浄重250g,2 罐浄重 500g),可以用真空包裝的熟扁豆、或用 200g 的免泡乾綠扁豆依包裝指示煮熟代替,都是很方便。
沒有罐裝番茄便用新鲜的,沒有茄子可以用小黄瓜 … 等等,手上有什麼便用什麼,只要份量和調味不更改太多便行了。
這是 4 個大人的份量,可以依每個家庭的需要增減。
☘️ 材料 (4 人份)
✳️ 食材 :
義大利麵 300g
不含反式脂肪植物奶油 1 大匙
蘑菇 500g
罐裝綠扁豆 (lentil) 400g (2 罐)
茴香頭 (或洋葱) 1 個
有機紅蘿蔔 300g
西芹 2 株
茄子 400g , 去皮
三色椒(紅黃 綠)各 1⁄2 個
罐裝碎番茄 400g (2 罐)
橄欖油 2 大匙
✳️ 調味料 :
紅酒 2 大匙
乾燥香草 1⁄2 小匙
醬油 1 大匙
有機蔬菜高湯塊 1⁄2 塊
義大利黑香醋 2 大匙
番茄膏 2 大匙
紅糖 2 -3 大匙
海鹽 少許
鮮磨黑胡椒 少許
羅勒葉 1 大撮切碎
太白粉(或玉米粉)1 大匙 + 水 1 大匙拌勻
營養酵母片(nutritional yeast flakes) 隨意
✳️ 做法 :
1.) 蘑菇洗淨瀝乾,用乾布吸乾水份,切成小丁。倒出罐裝扁豆沖洗瀝乾。茴香頭(或洋葱)、紅蘿蔔、西芹、茄子、三色椒全部切成小丁備用。
2.) 中火熱炒鍋,乾鍋放入蘑菇炒去水份,盛起。原鍋擦乾淨下油 1 大匙,加進茴香丁炒至香軟,約 2 ~ 3 分鐘。
3.) 加入紅蘿蔔、西芹、茄子、三色椒翻炒一下,加入調味料炒至香軟,加進罐裝碎番茄 2 罐和 3⁄4 空罐水,拌勻煮沸後,加蓋用小火慢煮 20-30 分鐘至茄子軟透。
4.) 加入扁豆和蘑菇,用大火煮開後,轉小火續煮,試味。視醬汁的濃稠度加進太白粉水調整,離火,下羅勒葉拌勻。
5.) 煮醬期間取一湯鍋把水煮開,加少許鹽油,義麵根據包裝指示煮好,瀝乾,放回湯鍋中,加進 1 大匙不含反式脂肪植物奶油,1 大匙橄欖油,海 鹽少許,鮮磨黑胡椒適量拌勻。
6.) 把義麵分盛盤子上,用大湯杓舀下扁豆蘑菇醬,放羅勒葉,隨各人喜愛撒 上營養酵母。
#純素蔬食常備菜 #StayAtHome #QuarantineCooking
#居家隔離烹飪 #健康蔬食 #保護地球 #愛護動物
#少欲知足 #吃素能抗暖化
純素《蔬食常備菜:168 道安之茹素的一日三餐提案》
扁豆蘑菇義大利麵 P.173
誠 品:https://goo.gl/1HAqgn
扁豆蘑菇義大利麵 在 Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 Facebook 的精選貼文
💚 從澳洲和北威爾斯來的居家隔離烹飪 〜 扁豆蘑菇義大利麵,農舍派和椰香雜菜腰果咖哩。
Quarantine Cooking from Australia and Wrexham, UK 〜 Mushroom & lentil Bolognese, Cottage Pie & Creamy Cashew Nut Coconut Vegetable Curry ☘️
正當我無法決定應該再要與大分享哪個食譜時,我在 Instagram 上留意到來自 Crystal Leung @zerowaste_newbie 的三則通知,她是住在澳洲的一位可愛讀者。
她在台灣時從一間書店買到我的素食書。她說:「謝謝妳寫這本書……我已經從中試做了很多食譜 …… 它給了我很多靈感和啟發。」
Crystal 和她的女兒,美麗的母女二人組,已一起創造了許多令人讚嘆的美食和手工。」她們分享在 Instagram 上参考我書內其中三道食譜做成的美味菜式:扁豆蘑菇義大利麵,農舍派和椰香雜菜腰果咖哩。
之後,我又收到來自 Wrexham 一位可愛顧客 Kathryn Howard 的另一則訊息。她也做了椰香雜菜腰果咖哩。她說:「謝謝妳分享的食譜,真好吃!」
非常感謝 Crystal 和 Kathryn 跟我們分享妳們美味的居家隔離烹飪和故事 😍🥰 xx
I couldn’t decided which recipe I should be sharing with everyone, then I noticed three notifications on Instagram from Crystal Leung, @zerowaste_newbie, a lovely reader who lives in Australia.
She bought my book from a book store whilst she was in Taiwan. She said,“Thanks for writing this book … I have been making many recipes from it already …. it gave me lots of inspiration.”
Crystal and her daughter, the beautiful mother and daughter duo, have been making lots of amazing things together. They shared the three dishes they made from my book on Instagram : Mushroom & lentil Bolognese, Cottage Pie & Creamy Cashew Nut Coconut Vegetable Curry.
And then I received another message from Kathryn Howard, a lovely customer from Wrexham. She made the Creamy Cashew Nut Coconut Vegetable Curry too. She said,“ Thank you for sharing the recipe, it was delicious!”
Thank you so much Crystal and Kathryn for sharing your delicious quarantine cooking & stories with us 😍🥰 xx
純素《蔬食常備菜:168 道安之茹素的一日三餐提案》
誠 品:https://goo.gl/1HAqgn
#純素蔬食常備菜 #StayAtHome #QuarantineCooking
#居家隔離烹飪 #健康蔬食 #保護地球 #愛護動物
#少欲知足 #吃素能抗暖化
扁豆蘑菇義大利麵 在 Rice Bowl Tales 有碗話碗 Facebook 的最佳貼文
Is anyone else taking advantage of #StayAtHome by launching into some culinary experimentation?
1. 香蕉核桃麵包
2. 自製豆腐
3. 鍋煎香脆椒鹽豆腐
4. 碗裝料理
5. 椰香雜菜腰果咖哩
6. 番茄扁豆肉丸義麵
7. 農舍派
8. 扁豆蘑菇義大利麵
9. 素起司烤綠白花椰
Whilst many of us are key workers, working hard to keep the country moving, many more will likely have some extra time on our hands at home. If so, this could be an opportunity to take to the kitchen without the usual pressure of time and enjoy something different such as making your own tofu or baking bread for example.
I’ve chosen some recipes from my last vegan cookbook that I think you may like, in the hope that some simple but fun home cooking will bring you and your family joy and delicious meal times together through this challenging period.
Please let me know which recipes you’d like to see first, and make sure to share your lovely creations with me - I will look forward to seeing them.
With much love, Jane xx
1. Banana & Walnut Loaf
2. Homemade Tofu
3. Pan-Fried Salt & Pepper Tofu
4. Buddha Bowl
5. Coconut Vegetable Curry
6. Lentil & Mushroom Balls in Tomato Sauce
7. Cottage Pie
8. Mushroom & lentil Bolognese
9. Roasted Broccoli & Cauliflower with Homemade Vegan Cheese Sauce
純素《蔬食常備菜:168 道安之茹素的一日三餐提案》
誠 品:https://goo.gl/1HAqgn
#純素蔬食常備菜 #StayAtHome #健康蔬食 #保護地球 #愛護動物 #少欲知足 #吃素能抗暖化 #救地球刻不容緩