What a beautiful Birthday gift and happy birthday 大老爺!Love the Lucky money Haha Panda by designer Dennis Chan, also love Florence’s sunglasses by Landmark x Iris Apfel, and I love meeting my childhood idol Adia Chan 松松姐姐!Believe it or not during my over 20 years of PR Career I have never met nor worked with her, it’s quite a destiny we finally bumped into each other during the birthday party, she is super sweet! 😍🐼🎂🥂 #happybirthday #birthday #hbd #hahapanda #哈哈熊貓 #招財哈哈熊貓 #dennischan #亞太現場演出行業協會 #congrats #florencechan #陳淑芬 @rosewoodhongkong #numberonepr @qiqi_qiqi12 @versace #qiqiyam @dennischan_hahapanda @princejoyce @simonyamofficial #任達華 #琦琦 #鄭欣宜 @landmarkhk #adiachan #陳松伶 #松松姐姐 #childhoodidol #張鐸 @ Rosewood Hong Kong
招財哈哈熊貓 在 鄭紹康 Francis Cheng Facebook 的精選貼文
恭喜 陳生陳太,亞太現場演出行業協會正式成立,謝謝陳淑芬邀請,同時祝大老爺陳柳泉先生福如東海,壽比南山,希望你喜歡陳太為你安排的招財哈哈熊貓,一份非常特別的生日禮物慶賀70歲生日快樂!🎂🐼😊🥂🎉