#哈利波特 #拜託可以讓我好好發倫敦生活文嗎
上班途中,A 先生傳來他在外國論壇上看到的消息:哈利波特網站 Wizarding World 的會員註冊頁面上,將「台灣列為中國一部分。」(https://www.wizardingworld.com)
我看到後忍不住想使出 「阿哇呾喀呾啦 Avada Kedavra」(這裡有波特迷嗎)
但我們只是單純平庸的麻瓜們,只能用最笨拙的方式了, A 先生超級感人地在我開會途中已經寄出一篇文情並茂的信。他要我告訴大家,歡迎取用以下範本,修改寄件人,正港台灣麻瓜們一起組成我們的鳳凰軍!
Email: press@wizardingworld.com
Dear Wizarding World,
While registering on your website, I have unfortunately found that you have listed the country of Taiwan instead as ‘Taiwan, China’. This is incorrect. Despite misinformation from the unelected and authoritarian government in Beijing, neither international law, nor the United Kingdom, recognises China’s claim on Taiwan. It is politically unwise and disrespectful to have put Taiwan (Republic of China), widely known as an individual and democratic country, under the territory of China (People’s Republic of China).
The incorrect classification of Taiwanese nationality can be a serious disservice to all Taiwanese who are fans of the Harry Potter brand. Showing Taiwan as part of China also denies the human rights and the right to self-determination for the 23 million people of Taiwan, who have established a democracy that is unique in Asia. These rights are enshrined in the United Nations Charter, in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
I believe that as a company, you have your customers interests at heart, however this mis-classification will no doubt severely damage the Harry Potter brand. While Taiwanese hold their own passport, country name (Republic of China) and national flag, your website cannot continue to classify Taiwan as a part of the People’s Republic of China. This is akin to mis-classifying North and South Korea, and the Democratic Republic and Republic of Congo, which would quickly bring your company into the spotlight of international media.
Your error has already been brought to the attention of many media channels, Taiwanese individuals and online influencers. Unfortunately while your company continues to classify Taiwan as a part of China, I, along with many other individuals will boycott Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts and related brands. We will also reach out to social media influencers and other media channels to encourage boycotting of your brand if ’Taiwan, China’ is left on your website.
For clarification, Taiwan should be listed as ‘Taiwan’ or alternatively ‘Taiwan (ROC)’, and definitely not ‘Taiwan, Province of China’ or ‘Taiwan, China’. Taiwan is NOT a special administrative region of China such as is the case for Hong Kong and Macau.
I therefore kindly request that you amend this mis-classification of the Taiwan country, especially as it is pointless for the reputation of your company to be affected by a political issue.
拜託可以讓我好好發倫敦生活文嗎 在 Ellen let's go 倫敦生活日常 的推薦與評價
所以可能影片更新會稍微不穩定一點但我每天都會更新reels大家可以去挖一些隨機掉落的生活碎片! 最近也好想再開開直播邀請不同的人上來聊天但是只能等到忙完了:( (但是 ... ... <看更多>