[179191] 45991. 文豪野犬:塞翁失虎焉知非福"Bungo Stray Dogs" Fortune Is Unpredictable and Mutable (2016)★★
[179192] 45992. 文豪野犬:某個炸彈/橫濱 黑手黨 天堂"Bungo Stray Dogs" A Certain Bomb / Yokohama Gangster Paradise (2016)★
[179193] 45993. 文豪野犬:命運論者的悲哀"Bungo Stray Dogs" The Tragedy of the Fatalist (2016)★
[179194] 45994. 文豪野犬:D大街的謀殺"Bungo Stray Dogs" Murder on D Street (2016)★
[179195] 45995. 文豪野犬:蒼之使徒"Bungo Stray Dogs" The Azure Messenger (2016)★
[179196] 45996. 文豪野犬:深愛名為理想的疾病"Bungo Stray Dogs" Love for the Disease Called Ideals (2016)★
[179197] 45997. 文豪野犬:先殺別人後葬自己"Bungo Stray Dogs" Teaching Them To Kill; Then To Die (2016)★
[179198] 45998. 文豪野犬:美人無聲靜如石像"Bungo Stray Dogs" The Beauty Is Quiet Like a Stone Statue (2016)★★
[179199] 45999. 文豪野犬:羅生門與虎"Bungo Stray Dogs" Rashōmon and the Tige (2016)★★
[179200] 46000. 文豪野犬:其一 那份不適合她的職業 + 其二 有頂天偵探社/儘管倒退的潮流把我們推向往日歲月"Bungo Stray Dogs" First, an Unsuitable Profession for Her. Second, an Ecstatic Detective Agency / Borne Back Ceaselessly into the Past (2016)★★‒
[179201] 46001. 文豪野犬:黑之時代/回不去的地方"Bungo Stray Dogs" The Dark Age / Nowhere to Return (2016)★★
[179202] 46002. 文豪野犬:終有一日在那能望海的房間"Bungo Stray Dogs" A Room Where We Can Someday See the Ocean (2016)★
[179203] 46003. 文豪野犬:文豪Stray Dogs/三社鼎立"Bungo Stray Dogs" Bungo Stray Dogs / Three Companies Conflict (2016)★★
[179204] 46004. 文豪野犬:衝突的戰略"Bungo Stray Dogs" The Strategy of Conflict (2016)★★
[179205] 46005. 文豪野犬:Will of Tycoon "Bungo Stray Dogs" Will of Tycoon (2016)★★
[179206] 46006. 文豪野犬:即使頭腦出錯"Bungo Stray Dogs" Though the Mind May Be Wrong (2016)★★
[179207] 46007. 文豪野犬:雙黑"Bungo Stray Dogs" Double Black (2016)★★
[179208] 46008. 文豪野犬:其一「坡與亂步」 + 其二「去往天之海的白鯨之存在」"Bungo Stray Dogs" Part 1: Poe and Rampo + Part 2: Moby Dick, Swimming in the Sky (2016)★★
[179209] 46009. 文豪野犬:羅生門與虎與最後的大亨"Bungo Stray Dogs" Rashōmon, the Tiger and the Last Tycoon (2016)★★
[179210] 46010. 文豪野犬:如果今天放下重擔就好的話"Bungo Stray Dogs" If I May Shed Away My Burden Now (2016)★★
[179211] 46011. 文豪野犬:太宰、中也、十五歲"Bungo Stray Dogs" Dazai, Chūya, Fifteen Years Old (2019)★
[179212] 46012. 文豪野犬:荒神在此"Bungo Stray Dogs" Right Now, God (2019)★
[179213] 46013. 文豪野犬:鑽石只能用鑽石來打磨"Bungo Stray Dogs" Only a Diamond Can Polish a Diamond (2019)★
[179214] 46014. 文豪野犬:咎戒乃神的職責"Bungo Stray Dogs" My Ill Deeds are The Work of God (2019)★
[179215] 46015. 文豪野犬:Slap the Stick & Addict/其一 黑路麗斯! + 其二 父親的肖像"Bungo Stray Dogs" Slap the Stick & Addict / Herurisu + Portrait of a Father (2019)★
[179216] 46016. 文豪野犬:費茲傑羅·重振雄風"Bungo Stray Dogs" Fitzgerald Rising (2019)★
[179217] 46017. 文豪野犬:假面的暗殺者/共喰(其一)"Bungo Stray Dogs" The Masked Assassin / Cannibalism (Part One) (2019)★
[179218] 46018. 文豪野犬:共喰(其二)"Bungo Stray Dogs" Cannibalism (Part Two) (2019)★
[179219] 46019. 文豪野犬:共喰(其三)"Bungo Stray Dogs" Cannibalism (Part Three) (2019)★★
[179220] 46020. 文豪野犬:迴響"Bungo Stray Dogs" Echo (2019)★★‒
文豪野犬 坡 在 ZenMarket 日本代購服務 Facebook 的精選貼文
日本人氣漫畫之《文豪野犬》就在ZENMARKET 日本代購/雅虎代拍網
《文豪野犬》是由朝霧卡夫卡擔當原作,春河35負責作畫,自2012年起在角川書店旗下月刊漫畫雜誌《YOUNG ACE》上連載的漫畫作品。該作品於2016年進行改編(春季的第一季,秋季的第二季),由動畫工作室製成動漫(如眾所周知的《優萊卡7》、《黑之契約者》、《噬魂者》、《櫻蘭高校男公關部》等)。