謝謝Brown Sugar帶給大家的美好音樂時光,
June 12, 2018
謝謝您二十年來一路的支持與鼓勵,Brown Sugar Live & Restaurant 黑糖音樂餐廳在2018年6月12日將暫停營業。
Brown Sugar Live & Restaurant 有幸參與並見證了台北爵士音樂現場演唱餐廳的發展,為擁有這份特殊的付出深感榮耀。
由於受到總體經濟的影響、消費型態的改變、成本逐年的增加,誠然不適經營,雖萬般不捨仍不得不暫停營業,本公司將研擬新的經營項目,希冀在不久的將來以嶄新型態、豐富內容再一次讓Brown Sugar Live & Restaurant 的品牌發光。
Brown Sugar Live & Restaurant 黑糖音樂餐廳再次感謝您長時間以來的支持,在此祝福大家『身體健康、萬事如意』。
Dear Customers,
Thank you for your support and patronage to Brown Sugar Live & Restaurant throughout the past 20 years.
We regret to announce the temporary suspension of business at Brown Sugar.
We recognize that no matter how long you’ve been in business, there is always room for improvement, so during this temporary suspension, we will be focused on improving and innovating our services to provide an even better experience for you.
We look forward to seeing you all again in the near future.
Sincerely yours,
Brown Sugar Live & Restaurant 黑糖音樂餐廳