坐不好好坐,腳踢桌腳讓椅子往後抬起來再彈回去,說是盪鞦韆,然後就整個往後翻,還好是手肘撞地板,如果是後腦勺真的會很淒慘😥手肘剛好撞在關節韌帶部位,如果不是體重還輕的話,要承受全身重量的一摔,大概會骨折吧?反正就是聲嘶力竭的哭了整整快一個小時,老木我反覆噴Ionmistz Gold,隔天紅腫完全消失,只剩微微黑青,繼續噴EZZIE oxygenmistz 和塗D10’s把瘀血化掉,今天又能跟朋友玩打架了。
用SPMANDY 在底下連結購買Ionman產品有10%優惠
Kicked the table to life his chair and swing, and the result is a nearly broken joint, luckily he hit his elbow instead of the back of the head, if not, it could be much worse than just cried for 1 hour. Anyway, I spray Ionmistz on his elbow many times on the 1st day, the next day he’s moving his arm well, I keep applying ezzie oxygenic mistz and D10’s on his elbow to get rid of the swelling and blue black, by today he’s able to play fight with other kids. Poor but not really pity boy, Matthew.
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Ionman Malaysia HQ
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