話說,我仲好清楚記得有一晚打完邊爐🥘 然後第二朝起身,塊面腫到眼都差啲開唔到😑 攝取過多鈉質(食鹽),食乳類製品,仲有好多好多其他日常飲食嘅因素,都可以導致個人肥腫難分😂
其實現代嘅facial, 唔只限於保濕、清暗瘡等等。我做嘅呢個「Cupid Magic 經絡磁療面部護理」好特別 - 係融合咗科技同東洋醫學技術入去,順住人嘅經絡系統幫面部排毒、增進血液循環、去水腫同埋美白👨🏻⚕🤓 佢嘅先進儀器運用微電流,由塊面一路推落頸嘅穴位,可以減少腫脹之如仲一啲都唔痛⚡️ 成個過程都好pleasant, 地方又企理,所有人嘅服務好專業。真心推介,非黑店 ...最開心係,做完真係覺得皮膚白咗🙈💆🏻♂️
You know how Koreans always warn others about eating ramen before going to sleep?🍜 Well, yeah, somedays I just wake up with a huge, puffy face and I can barely open my swollen eyes😂 Interestingly, facials aren’t limited to just hydration or clearing acne nowadays.
Here I was getting my #facial done at Cupid Beauty - Hong Kong in #MongKok. The treatment implements oriental medical principles into skincare technology🤓 By massaging acupuncture points along the face down to our necks with a very mild electric current⚡ the process gets rid of waste accumulated under our skin. I can tell from experience that it did not hurt at all!🤩 Moreover, the environment was tidy, the staff were professional, and the overall experience was pleasant. Most importantly, I felt like my skin actually whitened after the treatment🤭😆
📍旺角彌敦道573號富運商業中心14樓全層 14/F, Full Win Commercial Centre, 573 Nathan Road, Mong Kok
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