#HiTutor #英文活用系列 #Like #As #使用差別
🔹Like 當作名詞或代名詞前出現的介詞,意旨'猶如、好像..'。通常會用來形容外觀或是相似的行為。
He ran like the wind.
She sings like an angel.
You look just like your mother.
As your friend, I have to say you can't sing.
I used my coat as an umbrella when it rained.
I work as an actor.
🔹請小心使用,Like 跟 As 在同樣的句子裡頭相互替換時,整句話的意思就會有所不同,舉例來說:
Like your dad, I'll be proud of your career.
As your dad, I'll be proud of your career.
✏請在空格內填上 Like 或 As
(1)Amy works ___ a teacher.(Amy的工作是老師。)
(2)The black hole looks ___ a donut.(黑洞看起來跟甜甜圈一樣。)
🎯商務對話,英文書信,三周搞定!: http://bit.ly/2YF8b8w