杭州荷博物聯公司在 11 月為每個員工安設了一批坐墊。然而,有一天公司人資卻對她說,「為什麼每天上午 10 點到 10 點半都不在工位,小心老闆扣你獎金哦!」
根據中國 app 天眼查顯示,杭州荷博物聯科技有限公司成立於 2020 年 3 月 9 日,經營範圍是物聯網技術:技術服務、技術開發、技術諮詢、技術交流等。據稱,公司 CEO 張先勇是荷蘭埃因霍溫理工大學人機互動工程博士,畢業後回到中國,曾有在阿里巴巴工作過的經歷。
公司方號稱這款智慧型坐墊的主要功能是檢測人們的健康狀況,可以測量心率、呼吸、坐姿等,能統計使用者在辦公桌前坐了多久、甚至還可以指出不良坐姿或人們疲勞的跡象,這些數據都會傳送到手機 app 裡面讓使用者查看。
據該網友稱,杭州荷博物聯公司在 11 月為每個員工安設了一批坐墊,然而,有一天公司人資卻對她說,「為什麼每天上午 10 點到 10 點半都不在工位,小心老闆扣你獎金哦!」
她對這款「智能坐墊」的好感度自然戛然而止,也側面了解到人資對其他同事也有過類似的「提醒」。他寫道,「什麼時候在工位上,什麼時候跑開了,什麼時候情緒激動了,老闆那邊所有的數據一手掌控啊。而且 HR 也可以看這個數據,那以後是不是還要列入考勤啊?」
「由於目標用戶群是辦公室久坐的白領,內部測試需要選取每天在座時間較長的員工,例如行政人員比銷售人員更為合適。」張必勇表示,「由於 HR 對員工的在座時間較為了解,故技術與人事部門共享了數據,用以驗證測試數據是否準確。如果將來產品上市,用戶數據會遵循《歐盟信息安全保護條例》,由專門的安全工程師嚴格保護。⋯⋯人資向被測者私自傳播其個人數據屬於違規行為,已經給予了嚴重警告處分,並在公司內部進行了整頓,向所有部門強調數據保護的重要性。」
監控 英文 surveillance 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的精選貼文
When tracking the virus means tracking your citizens
Apple and Google on Friday unveiled ( ) a rare ( ) partnership to add technology to their smartphone platforms ( ) that will alert users if they have come into contact with a person with COVID-19. Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android — the operating systems used in iPhone and Samsung Galaxy devices, among others — are used by about 3 billion people around the globe.
Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, some democracies ( ) around the world have used technology to avoid having to impose draconian ( ) mass quarantines ( ) that were common earlier this year in China. That’s reassuring — and it’s also worrying, because the very strategies that can help fight a plague can also be abused once it’s over.
Consider Taiwan, where an “electronic fence” allows local police to make regular phone calls to everyone who is home under quarantine; if the citizen doesn’t answer or the phone is out of power, police come to the home within 15 minutes. In South Korea, the government constantly updates a Web site that tracks the movements of people who have been infected, and issues alerts to the mobile phones of people in the geographic vicinity ( ) of an infected citizen. The Israeli government gained access to an archive ( ) of phone data to map the movements of infected people, then alerted those who had been in contact with them to self-isolate.
Invoking ( ) these powers is reasonable during a pandemic. Once the outbreak is over, however, this kind of power can and probably will be abused. What’s to stop a corrupt ( ) (or merely unscrupulous [ ]) leader from using such technologies to learn or even publicize the location of political opponents or dissidents ( )?
“This is a genuine emergency and that justifies ( ) a lot of things that would not normally be justified,” says Jay Stanley, a senior policy analyst at the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). “But we have to make sure that these temporary ( ) powers do not become permanent ( ) in a way that hurts everybody else.”
The good news is that the pandemic is not an endless war. Once there is a treatment or a vaccine ( ), there will be a clear end date to the state of emergency.
Stanley says it’s crucial to set up strict rules beforehand ( ). Any location data, for example, should only be used by public health authorities for public health purposes. The programs should be temporary and the data should be deleted after the crisis ( ) ends.
Along these lines, Freedom House released a set of principles on March 24 for protecting civil and human rights in the fight against COVID-19. It says any surveillance ( ) programs that use new technology to fight the spread of the disease should be “subject to ( ) independent oversight ( ), and ‘firewalled’ from other commercial and governmental uses such as law enforcement and enforcement of immigration policies.”
In the middle of a crisis, all of this might seem theoretical. The most essential tasks for democratic leaders are providing for the public’s safety and working to revive ( ) the economy. Yet it’s also important to remember that the state rarely relinquishes ( ) powers it amasses ( ) in a crisis.
After 9/11, the FBI was given broad new powers to demand data from private businesses. A dozen years later, both the ACLU and the Justice Department’s inspector general found that the use of that extraordinary power had become routine ( ) and unchecked. As Americans grapple ( ) with the current pandemic, they must be vigilant ( ) that their government not repeat the same mistake.
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監控 英文 surveillance 在 林于凱 高雄市議員 Facebook 的最佳解答
這次我們要談的主題,是 #中國的混合戰略
「中國的 “ 混合戰略 ” :北京大規模監視澳大利亞與世界的秘密」
“ China's 'hybrid war': Beijing's mass surveillance of Australia and the world for secrets and scandal ”
(ABC, Sept. 14, 2020)
👩講師|Jessica Hung (留美雙碩士)
1.深圳「振華數據」:如何看待中國國企「監控資料庫」外洩的消息 (BBC中文網)
2.蒐集馬英九、宋楚瑜全球政要個資,深圳「振華數據」有什麼秘密? (天下雜誌)
3.Why we should be worried by China’s Overseas Key Individual Database?