這個和台灣有關的可能的聲明,顯示美國和日本領導人罕見地關切,反映了盟國之間對東亞權力平衡轉移的緊迫感。 美國國防部長勞埃德·奧斯丁(Lloyd Austin)3月16日在東京訪問日本防衛省時指出,中國的國防開支現已增長到台灣的16倍。
3月初美國印度太平洋司令部司令菲利普·戴維森(Philip Davidson)上將在國會聽證會說,他認為中國可能會在未來六年內採取軍事行動來控制台灣,這位上將的擔憂在日本防務界引起了廣泛的關注。
中國擁有1,250架戰鬥機,是該地區美軍的五倍。平洋司令部估計,到2025年,這一差距將擴大到八倍。 至於軍艦,這一差距預計將從目前的五倍擴大到九倍。
Biden and Suga to note Taiwan Strait in April joint statement(Nikkei Asia)
Japan and the U.S. plan to affirm the importance of stability in the Taiwan Strait when Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga(菅義偉) visits Washington next month for a summit with President Joe Biden, Nikkei has learned.
The two sides are in discussions to include the passage on Taiwan in a joint statement after the summit. Both countries also intend to take a unified stance(統一立場) opposing China's new law empowering the coast guard.
Such a statement on Taiwan would mark a rare public expression of concern by U.S. and Japanese leaders. The last time was 1969, when Prime Minister Eisaku Sato and President Richard Nixon stressed in a statement that Taiwan's security is crucial for Japan's security.