我們也推出特別企劃 #愛的畢業紀念冊 細數酈處長與谷副處長兩位台灣 #真朋友 任內對推動台美關係實質前進的 #真進展,更藉此表達我們由衷的感動,縱然滿懷不捨,終須再見,期待兩位前程似錦、一帆風順,將來一定要再回台灣看我們喔!
AIT Director William Brent Christensen and Deputy Director Raymond Greene are set to depart #Taiwan after completing their three-year terms. We’d like to thank them for their contribution to the incredible progress in Taiwan-US relations, and wish them the best in all their future endeavors. As a tribute, we’ve listed the major advances in relations below!
#Thanks #RealFriends #RealProgress