【教務處防疫訊息 大班課程5/12起請採用遠距教學】
Courses enrolled by 100 students or more (experiments, practicums, and hands-on courses not included), and will move these courses to distance learning on #May12
為因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎疫情的發展,本校修課學生人數 #達100人以上大型課程 (不含實驗/實習/實作課程),#自5月12日起請改採遠距教學,小班課程應保持室內1.5公尺的社交距離,全程配戴口罩,請所有老師包涵並配合辦理。
除了錄製課程內容上傳NTU COOL外,教務處會提供各授課教師U Webinar和 U Meeting之平臺帳號,俾益所有老師可以進行同步遠距討論。若老師在教學數位化上有任何問題,請參考數位學習中心專頁(https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/superkit/)。
錄製課程相關諮詢............. ..02-3366-3367 #566、563、586
NTU COOL數位教學平台...02-3366-3367 #598、580
數位TA申請..............................02-3366-3367 #584
U Meeting/ U Webinar........02-3366-3367 #532
教務處 敬上
Dear colleagues,
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, NTU has also launched a digitalization plan for courses enrolled by 100 students or more (experiments, practicums, and hands-on courses not included), and will move these courses to distance learning on May 12. Small classes should leave at least 1.5 meters’ social distance indoors. Please wear a mask all the time when you are in the classroom or laboratory. Thank you for your cooperation.
The school also welcomes other courses which are willing to move to distance learning. By reducing class time which teachers and students are in class, we can prevent cluster infections.
Students please make sure the exact date when distance learning starts from the notice of units of Curriculum and the lecturer. If there’s any important adjustments, units of Curriculum should respond in time.
The Office of Academic Affairs is about to implement the cleaning and disinfection of the following five buildings: Gongtong , Putong , Xinsheng , Boya, and Zonghe Lecture Building, and will intensify daily cleaning and disinfection to provide cleaner and safer teaching and learning environment.
Despite digitalizing courses to NTU COOL, the office of Academic Affairs will provide account numbers of U Webinar and U meeting for those lectures. We hope this can help all lecturers to make a better distance learning discussion concurrently. If there is any problem, you can refer to ntu-dlc’s website(https://www.dlc.ntu.edu.tw/superkit/)for help.
You are welcome to contact our staff should you have any inquiries. We wish you all the best in the new semester.
Technical consultation and Contact
Digitalizing your courses..............02-3366-3367 #566、563、586
NTU COOL..........................................02-3366-3367 #598、580
Application for teaching assistants for digital courses..
................................................................02-3366-3367 #584
U Meeting/ U Webinar...................02-3366-3367 #532
Office of Academic Affairs
自5月12日起請改採遠距教學 在 全國各級學校因應疫情停課居家線上學習 - 教育部 的相關結果
因應國內疫情警戒升級,為降低群聚感染之風險,自110年5月19日(三)起至5月28日(五) ... 大專校院及高級中等以下學校改採線上教學,學生居家遠端學習不到校,線上教學為 ... ... <看更多>
自5月12日起請改採遠距教學 在 【2022各大學課程調整公告】遠距授課/停課/實體上課及期末考 ... 的相關結果
因應近期疫情狀況,各大學多採遠距教學至期末,部份學校期末考亦有改採彈性 ... 其中東吳大學5 月18 日起採遠距上課至期末;開南大學自5 月2 日起至學 ... ... <看更多>
自5月12日起請改採遠距教學 在 最新暫停實體課程改採遠距教學通知 的相關結果
一、依據111年4月12日教育部修正發布校園因應COVID-19疫情暫停實體課程實施標準辦理。 ... 三、暫停實體課程期間請授課教師改採遠距教學,期間請配合衛生單位進行疫調,師. ... <看更多>