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#安心 #媽媽寶寶都可以吃
於是乎媽媽也讓挑挑跟多多吃起了益生菌,但益生菌種類多多,實在也讓人看了眼花撩亂,就在頭痛之際,看到了 #加氏-立舒敏,它是擁有【調整抗塵蟎過敏】的益生菌!這可讓瘋狂媽媽覺得特別,一定要好好研究一下這個益生菌。
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🔷如有醫生開處方長期食用過敏藥物 可以一同服用 輔助改善過敏的症狀。
每當聽到要吃 #立舒敏 益生菌的時候就是開啟了瘋狂媽咪的餵食秀,三個小孩對於 #立舒敏的酸酸甜甜的口感,總是喜愛萬分。LG-55A加氏專利菌株是市面上認證可以輔助調整塵蟎過敏體質的菌種,更是讓瘋狂媽咪立起大拇指說聲讚。產品包裝上是採膠囊包裝,可以耐胃酸膽鹽,讓益生菌進到身體裡,還是可以維持活菌品質。大人可以直接吃,而挑挑跟多多,瘋狂媽咪可是會拆開膠囊,給小孩睡覺前服用。有小綠人標章健字號,就是給寶寶安心的好選擇。
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Rheumatism at a young age?
“I hurt my knees during a badminton game last year. The recent weather change has caused me to experience joint pain. I thought rheumatism only happens to older people?”
CheckCheckCin: Rheumatism is commonly thought as a type of chronic joint pain, and the condition will become worse when there is a change in weather. In Chinese medicine theories, rheumatism refers to the pathogenic factors of wind and dampness. When the three qi - wind, cold, and dampness - gather in the body, it caused the ‘bi’ impediment, the ‘bi’ here refers to ‘Bi Zheng’, or painful obstructive syndrome. ‘Bi Zheng’ refers to the obstruction that hinders body from performing its function.
During rainy season, the pathogenic factors of wind and dampness are more intense. The dampness and wind pathogens can invade the body and disrupt the flow of qi in the meridians. Individuals with such condition will feel greater pain.
The pathogenic factor of wind belongs to ‘Xing Bi’, which causes irregular joint pain, and you can sense heat and cold at different body parts. The pathogenic factor of cold belongs to ‘Tong Bi’, where individuals can feel excruciating joint pain at a specific area, but will improve with an increase in temperature. The pathogenic factor of dampness belongs to ‘Zhu Bi’, where individuals with this condition would experience constant sore, pain and swelling.
Physically weak individuals who suffer from chronic diseases or had damaged their joints might be prone to rheumatism, as these conditions allowed the external pathogenic factors to invade the body. Rheumatism is not an age-defined condition. It is often associated with the elderly because they have weaker health system; hence, they would have higher chances of getting the rheumatic diseases.
Young people with conditions above will also have an equal chance of contracting rheumatism, so please do not treat it lightly. Consult a registered Chinese physician for advice, and at the same time, massage the Zu San Li and Sea of Blood acupoints at your free time. Individuals constantly exposed to wind and cold can try Moxa, or the moxibustion therapy, to improve the circulation of the meridians.
Zu San Li Acupoint
Effects: strengthens the spleen and stomach, clears heat and dispels dampness
Location: on the anterior aspect of the lower leg, four-finger breadth below knee cap.
Method: Gently press with your thumb and massage for 2-3 minutes each time.
Sea of Blood Acupoint
Effects: regulates qi and blood circulation, relieves pre-menstrual irritability, constipation and foot edema.
Location: Located in the front area of the thigh, two inch on the inner side of the basis patellae. Bend your knees and stretch your legs, there will be a hollow on the inside of the knee. The muscles are raised above the hollow and the top of this muscle is the Sea of blood acupoint.
Method: Gently press with your thumb and massage for 2-3 minutes each time.
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1⃣揉腹,促進腸胃蠕動,改善便秘,疏通腹部經絡,祛濕排寒,瘦身緊致腹部。 2⃣按摩,夏天濕氣重,一不留神肩胛骨縫就會酸疼,對準肩胛骨邊緣,兩邊各 ... ... <看更多>