他叫Theo Wride,今年16歲,是英國Sunderland的一個高中生。公開試取消後,Theo決定眾籌用3D打印保護面罩送給醫護人員。最後他送出了1200個面罩。
因其義舉及貢獻,Theo名列英女皇授勳名單,獲British Empire Medal。
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,當查理斯王子宣布對病毒測試呈陽性,舉國震驚,全世界都揣測,究竟尊敬嘅英女皇有冇因而被感染武漢肺炎???? 但係唔使好耐,王儲查理斯就出嚟宣布,話自己而家已經冇事喇,完全康復晒???,查理斯今年已經成七十一歲,可以講係老當益壯,究竟佢係點做到嘅呢。 Here’s our guess.??? ...
英 女皇 叔叔 在 藍奕邦 Pong Nan Facebook 的最佳解答
I miss the British colonial days.
蕭叔短評:This will go down in history as one of the best speeches ever to have graced the English language.
This is the power of language. It’s more than just beautiful words and carefully crafted sentences. It’s also about having the empathy to understand what your audience needs at this moment, and what you, in your unique position, can deliver.
"I hope in the years to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge, and those who come after us will say that the Britons of this generation were as strong as any, that the attributes of self-discipline, of quiet good-humoured resolve and of fellow-feeling still characterise this country."
I am speaking to you at what I know is an increasingly challenging time. A time of disruption in the life of our country: a disruption that has brought grief to some, financial difficulties to many, and enormous changes to the daily lives of us all.
I want to thank everyone on the NHS front line, as well as care workers and those carrying out essential roles, who selflessly continue their day-to-day duties outside the home in support of us all. I am sure the nation will join me in assuring you that what you do is appreciated and every hour of your hard work brings us closer to a return to more normal times.
I also want to thank those of you who are staying at home, thereby helping to protect the vulnerable and sparing many families the pain already felt by those who have lost loved ones. Together we are tackling this disease, and I want to reassure you that if we remain united and resolute, then we will overcome it.
I hope in the years to come everyone will be able to take pride in how they responded to this challenge. And those who come after us will say that the Britons of this generation were as strong as any. That the attributes of self-discipline, of quiet good-humoured resolve and of fellow-feeling still characterise this country. The pride in who we are is not a part of our past, it defines our present and our future.
The moments when the United Kingdom has come together to applaud its care and essential workers will be remembered as an expression of our national spirit; and its symbol will be the rainbows drawn by children.
Across the Commonwealth and around the world, we have seen heart-warming stories of people coming together to help others, be it through delivering food parcels and medicines, checking on neighbours, or converting businesses to help the relief effort.
And though self-isolating may at times be hard, many people of all faiths, and of none, are discovering that it presents an opportunity to slow down, pause and reflect, in prayer or meditation.
It reminds me of the very first broadcast I made, in 1940, helped by my sister. We, as children, spoke from here at Windsor to children who had been evacuated from their homes and sent away for their own safety. Today, once again, many will feel a painful sense of separation from their loved ones. But now, as then, we know, deep down, that it is the right thing to do.
While we have faced challenges before, this one is different. This time we join with all nations across the globe in a common endeavour, using the great advances of science and our instinctive compassion to heal. We will succeed - and that success will belong to every one of us.
We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return: we will be with our friends again; we will be with our families again; we will meet again.
But for now, I send my thanks and warmest good wishes to you all.
英 女皇 叔叔 在 電影狂人-影評情報交流平台 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【#2019終極大檢閱】入場總共看了106套戲... 個人歷年之冠!
(ref. 【2012年:26套】【2013年:33套】【2014年:49套】【2015年:39套】【2016年:44套】【2017年:80套】【2018年:70套】)
1. 破盡入場紀錄,相信都寫了很大量的文字分享。不過個人懶,睇完戲好攰有啲戲都無時間寫... 盡力啦… 而有人覺得我好似套套都讚,錯覺吧… 只係有些戲自己覺得太無聊都費事寫啦,有些戲有驚喜又無乜人寫都盡量幫手推介啦。睇到咁多好戲,多謝各電影發行俾面邀請。
2. facebook專頁讚好人數破10,000!!!呢個真係好重要好鼓舞... 多謝大家支持,呢個數字係指標真係等左好耐喇。現在亦向14,000讚好進發!!會唔會到2020年尾破20,000人呢?唉,我仲未夠勇氣搞版聚…
3. 講明page破萬人後要加強發展,就搞咗 #狂氏電影綜合症候群 群組,早兩星期破2000人,增長得好快之餘更有奇高互動率!完全意料之外!平台繼續壯大靠大家努力喇… 越人多勢眾越有牙力去爭取更多換票證、禮物俾大家!!
又到頒獎時間… (基於太多戲關係,分豬肉少不免)
《新喜劇之王》《阿拉丁》《愛探險的 Dora:勇闖黃金迷城》《P風暴》
《廉政風雲 煙幕》《緣來自昨天》《神探白朗:福比利大宅謀殺案》《決戰中途島》
鱷口逃生。武林怪獸。G殺。燒失樂園。那些年,我們一起追的女孩。王者之後:重拳復仇。綠簿旅友。失驚無神一家人。家和萬事驚。職場女王攻略。如珠如寶。廉政風雲 煙幕。新喜劇之王。銃夢:戰鬥天使。Lego 英雄傳2。冰天動地。玩轉全家福。潛行浩劫96小時。爭竉。流浪地球。死亡無限2次Loop。Marvel 隊長。星仔打官司。黑天后。M巾英雄。假面酒店。我們.異。三夫。逆轉時空戀上你。小飛象。不老的戰跡。非分熟女。P風暴。淪落人。閃亮人生。冷戰戀曲。非常籃團。女皇哥基大冒險。孟買酒店。復仇者聯盟4:終局之戰。神探Pikachu。圓美大盜。極北。殺神 John Wick 3。極度邪惡 超級變態 我的迷人男友。索爆高低戀。阿拉丁。沒有你的生日會。哥斯拉 II 王者巨獸。華氏11/9。作家的謊言:筆忠誘罪。變種特攻:黑鳳凰。九龍不敗。上流寄生族。Pet Pet 當家2。搖滾太空人。盜亦有路。樣衰衰奇兵。蜘蛛俠:決戰千里。漫長的告別。反斗奇兵4。蠟筆小新劇場版:蜜月風暴~拯救老豆大作戰。耶穌真係落咗嚟。從前,有個荷里活。獅子王。狂野時速:雙雄聯盟。天氣之子。小Q。愛探險的Dora:勇闖黃金迷城。緣來自昨天。白宮淪陷3︰天使淪陷。曳曳同學會。第一滴血:終極血戰。星際任務。小丑。情迷紐約下雨天。愛程攻防戰。黑魔后2。犯罪現場。愛登士家庭。未來戰士:黑暗命運。伊索遊戲。劇場版 為美好的世界獻上祝福!紅傳說。失蹤。極速傳奇:褔特決戰法拉利。決戰中途島。曼克頓封暴。魔雪奇緣2。神探白朗:福比利大宅謀殺案。茄哩啡事務所。官謊真相。返校。生前約死後。舊年聖誕好戀嚟。復仇母親。喂,寶珍先生?。飛翔吧!埼玉。四季友緣人。逃出魔幻紀:霸氣升呢。星球大戰:天行者崛起。爆炸性醜聞。叔.叔。奇蹟火星夢。陽光兔仔兵。CATS。葉問4:完結篇
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Here’s our guess.???
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英 女皇 叔叔 在 曾鎧琪 Alison【香港曾小妹】 Youtube 的精選貼文
由於工作實在太忙了,還有很多影片等著未剪 ಥ_ಥ
期待下一集 (名古屋/花蓮/淘寶開箱/大芬村⋯⋯)
真的還有很多精彩內容~啦~ 沒時間剪啦 ಥ_ಥ
漁夫遇上遭遇神秘風暴、年輕勇敢的陌生人, 一起進入了魔幻王國。
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