恭喜香港國際美酒展 x Wine Luxe 月刊的10大美酒佳餚配對大奬所有得主!好高興作為神秘評審之一!係酒展繼續試了特別的葡萄酒及烈酒,其實蘇聯酒真的不錯,又參加智利名莊Santa Rita Casa Real 品酒會及瀘州老窖試了茗酿酒,又長知識了!酒海無涯呀!
Congrats to all Top 10 Wine Pairing Restaurants hosted by Wine Luxe magazine. I’m delighted to be one of the judges! Continue trying many wines & spirits at the fair! Russia wine is quite interesting! I also joined Renowned Chilean winery Santa Rita Casa Real Masterclass and Luzhou Laojiao Chinese liquor new release! Learnt more new knowledge! Wine & spirits really has endless info to learn & try!
#hkiwsf #hkiwsf2017 #wineandspiritsfair #wine #spirits #wineandspiritsfairhk #luzhoulaojiao #santaritacasareal #santarita #russianwine #wineluxe #瀘州老窖 #茗酿酒