WOW!MasterCard Facebook有50,000里數送呀!啱啱小斯就見到佢Facebook到有個新活動,就係有兩位幸運兒被 鄭秀文 Sammi Cheng同黃偉文 Wyman Wong揀中成為最值得踏上法國康城影展紅地氈既主角,Wyman仲會為佢地打造個新形象,令佢地以最靚最型既一面前往康城!入正題先,只要你Like晒一系列Wyman為兩位主角提升自信既打氣Post,就有機會贏得由渣打亞洲萬里通萬事達卡密密送出既50,000里數啦!夠你換張來回北歐經濟機票啦!所以記得要留意住MasterCard個page,睇下有咩打氣post 跟手like晒佢啦~
經過 鄭秀文 Sammi Cheng 及 黃偉文 Wyman Wong 的面試,幸運兒 Zoey 及 Anson 將與 Wyman 一起進行各項提升自信的體驗,務求在康城紅地氈上展現最耀眼一面!即 Like 此活動專帖為他們打氣,集齊 1000 個 Like,MasterCard就會揭曉第一項體驗。只需按 Like,更即有機會贏得50,000亞洲萬里通里數驚喜!緊貼旅程,繼續支持兩位主角一系列體驗,里數為您不斷送上!
【MasterCard & Standard Chartered Present: Bringing A Star To Life In Cannes】
Sammi and Wyman have finally selected Zoey and Anson as our Stars to the Cannes Film Festival! To make them shine at the Red Carpet, Wyman will help them prepare with a series of confidence boost events. Simply like this post and we will reveal the first event when we collect 1,000 likes. You'll even have a chance to win 50,000 Asia Miles just by liking this post, so show your support and follow their journey. We'll have more and more miles to give away!
Terms and Conditions apply.
#Sammi #Wyman #MasterCard #渣打 #亞洲萬里通