以上皆非 🙅🏻🙅🏻🙅🏻🙅🏻🙅🏻
💁🏻我的選擇是—— 蔬果汁+保健食品 🍏🥕
我在斷食期間連保健食品都不攝取,就為了給身體一個最純粹原始的自我修復機會,所以今天這杯蔬果汁我把所有保健食品都加進去,幫助身體快速回復精力! 💪
甜芒果 半顆
100% 純椰子水 250cc(成份寫100%純椰子水,不可有任何其他添加物。)
溫熱開水 200cc
肝臟解毒排脂維他命 1 顆
膠原蛋白粉 1 茶匙
超級食物 superfood 1茶匙
助便純天然纖維酵素 1茶匙
What will be the first thing you should eat after a period of fasting?
I can ensure you NOT any of these 🍕🍱🍔🍜🍝🍣🍖🍙🍗🍚🍲 unless you wish to through all your good efforts out of the window. 🤣
In order to give my tummy an easy way in after few days of resting, I will highly recommend you avoid any protein, meat, fat, un-refined sugar, spices and grains.
But I am sure after 3 or few days of fasting, most of people will be soooo happy even it is just a carrot. 🥕,
So, this morning, I had finally completed my 3 days fasting🤣🎉, well, felt like 3 months, I decided to make myself a glass of vegan juice. Trust me, on my third day of fasting, with all the food I had craved about, this is definitely NOT on my list.
Here are the ingredients of my juice:
Spinach, kale or any dark 1 cup
100% pure coconut water 250 ml (if you could find organic one will be even better.)
Mango half
warm or hot water 200 ml (If you didn't want your juice warm, you could skip this and add 200 ml more coconut water. )
Cabot health livatone plus 1 capsule or 1 tsp
Herbs of Gold collagen powder 1 tsp
Superfood 1 tsp
Motion Potion 1tsp