【第4屆 #玉山論壇 共同打造堅韌未來】
10/8 將舉辦第4屆「玉山論壇」
澳洲前總理 #騰博
瑞典前總理 #畢爾德
日華議員懇談會會長 #古屋圭司
丹麥前總理暨北約前秘書長 #拉斯穆森
美國聯邦眾議院外委會亞太小組共和黨首席議員 #游賀
共同就 #疫後區域經濟復甦
#公衛危機應處 及 #全球治理 等議題交換意見🎙
相關新聞稿搶先看👉 https://bit.ly/34zKQcb
The 4th Yushan Forum, under the theme ‘Forging a Resilient Future Together’, will be held on October 8 at the Grand Hyatt Taipei. Opinion leaders and experts from 12 countries, including our #NewSouthboundPolicy partners, the #US, #Japan and #Europe, will take part via video link.
President 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen will give an address, while former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt and head of Japan’s all-party parliamentary group Representative Furuya Keiji will give speeches at the opening ceremony, addressing the challenges and the shifts in the regional political landscape in the #PostCOVID era.
Digital Minister Audrey Tang will host a round-table on the outlook for #Asia in the afternoon, so that international political and economic leaders can exchange ideas on developments in the region.
#SDG17 #PartnershipForTheGoals #RecoverBetterTogether