從前不敢生吃的食物 / 真的可以生吃嗎?
🌽 白粟米
🐟 魚
🥚 雞蛋
🐮 牛肉/雞肉
法國菜的經典前菜Steak tartare韃靼牛肉,將生牛肉剁碎,混合香料及生雞蛋製成,除了牛肉亦有韃靼雞肉,日本亦有餐廳供應雞肉刺身,你敢試嗎?
🦀 蟹
🐙 活章魚
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Can we eat them raw?
Even kindergarteners know that cooked foods are safe to eat. As we grow older and are exposed to new knowledge, we realize there are some foods that can actually be eaten raw!
Do you enjoy eating the following foods raw or cooked?
🌽 White corn
There are many ways to cook white corn, but the Hokkaido white corn, known to be the sweetest corn in the world, can be eaten raw.
🐟 Fish
Sashimi is a classic dish in Japanese cuisine. We can slice fresh raw fish and shellfish and eat them with wasabi and soy sauce. Many people enjoy sashimi, but do beware of the parasites that might enter the body if we consume them excessively.
🥚 Egg
Japanese enjoy mixing raw eggs into their rice, but not all eggs can be eaten raw. Eggs that are produced in Japan can be eaten raw within the first 21 days. Do watch out for the expiry date for raw consumption on the packaging.
🐮 Beef/chicken
Steak tartare is a classic French dish, and it is made of mixed minced raw beef, spices, and raw eggs. Besides steak tartare, there is also chicken tartare. In some Japanese restaurants, they serve chicken sashimi too. Would you be willing to give that a shot?
🦀 Crab
Soy sauce marinated crab is famous in Korean cuisine, and the crabs used in the dish are uncooked. Likewise, in Jiangsu and Shanghai, there are also people who marinate raw crabs with wine. Do note that eating raw crabs can increase the risks of getting the Paragonimus infection (lung infection caused by parasites called paragonimus) and cholera.
🐙 Live octopus
In traditional Korean cuisine, raw octopus is served. While diners would consume live octopuses as they are, the mollusks’ arms might cling onto the mouth, tongue, and even esophagus, suffocating the diners.
The Chinese Medicine theories believe that eating raw and cold food is not good for the wellbeing of the body. ‘Raw’ refers to uncooked foods, whereas ‘cold’ refers to foods that are below room temperature. Eating raw and cold foods can damage the yang energy, the spleen, and the stomach, and it would cause the body to accumulate phlegm and dampness.
Uncooked foods may also become a growing site for bacteria and parasites. Seasonings like vinegar, wine, garlic, and chili are not effective in wiping out the bacteria and parasites. Some might experience a mild indigestion after consuming uncooked foods, but in more severe cases, individuals might experience food poisoning. Hence, we need to be more cautious.
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韃靼牛肉 做法 在 侍酒師幫幫忙! Facebook 的最佳解答
Tartare de boeuf韃靼牛肉的名字來自於蒙古民族韃靼國,以剁碎的牛肉或馬肉混合多種調味料。這不算是法式料理,而是韃靼入侵歐洲的遺產,從斯拉夫半島開始流行到中歐與西歐,所以各地的版本很多。在傳統的基本調味中,通常加上油、醋、鹽、現磨胡椒等;義式的吃法則會加上洋蔥末、酸豆、酸黃瓜碎、荷蘭芹末、大蒜末、橄欖油;無論那一種做法,在最後都會打上一顆生蛋黃。調味料的油、醋、蛋黃就是美乃滋的基本材料,加上上述其他的材料就差不多是我們常聽到搭配炸物的塔塔醬。除了牛肉與馬肉,後世也將這種生食的方式引用到魚類的作法。Tartare這個字也是酒石酸的字源Tartaric acid。
這是媳婦與好友聯手的一場戲:媳婦覺得婆婆太嚴厲,而懷孕時又知道自己得了弓形蟲,很怕被責備而想把這件事嫁禍給很愛吃韃靼牛肉的婆婆;婆婆早知媳婦感染弓形蟲,提早到了餐廳交代了主廚做了不是生肉的韃靼牛肉,晚餐當場也沒點破而照著媳婦的期待做了。懷孕的人韃靼牛肉不能吃酒也不太能喝,但韃靼牛肉是可以配酒的:法國的粉紅香檳/粉紅酒/清淡的黑皮諾/加美都可以,義式的話可以考慮北義的Arneis/Nebbiolo (Barolo/Barbaresco)/Barbera/托斯卡尼的簡單Sangiovese。
👉 博斯式燉牛肉Boeuf Braisé à la Beauceronne:從法蘭西島延伸到奧爾良的博斯平原盛產牛肉,此為當地傳統菜式。
👉 朗格多克Languedoc的阿爾比Albi和卡爾卡松堡Carcassonne,它們各自開發出特殊的燉牛肉菜色,而且阿爾比還發展出牛肚獨門菜。
👉 隆河河口三角洲的卡馬格 Camargue是個牛肉之鄉,很自然地,它的特色菜之一當然就是燉牛肉Estouffade de Boeuf。
👉 普羅旺斯燉牛肉Boeuf en Daube à la Provençale:作法是法式燉牛肉中少見以白葡萄酒燉製的。
👉 貝亞恩紅酒燉牛肉Daube de Boeuf à la Béarnaise的作法較受巴斯克人的影響。
👉 布根地紅酒燉牛肉Boeuf Bourguignon或稱「布根地式牛肉」Boeuf à la Bourguignonne。以紅葡萄酒烹煮牛肉,配上蘑菇、小洋蔥和培根丁,這是大家最熟悉,餐廳裡最常見到的一種。電影【美味關係 Julie & Julia】也提過這道菜。
【法國美食傳奇The Food of France】 大辣出版
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韃靼牛肉 做法 在 吃貨們福利來啦!韃靼牛肉的做法獻上 - 攝影師掛保證 的推薦與評價
攝影師掛保證,2017年2月25日— 趕快跟著天天營養網小編一起來看看吧!韃靼牛肉的起源據說最古老的韃靼牛肉的起源,乃是出於一些歐洲早期旅行家(多半 ... ... <看更多>
韃靼牛肉 做法 在 【韃靼牛肉】 TARTARE是西方做法的生牛肉,... - Closet ... 的推薦與評價
【韃靼牛肉】 TARTARE是西方做法的生牛肉, 以法式的鹽巴胡椒調味菲力牛肉碎, 再以意式的酸豆洋蔥酸黃瓜加以調味, Tabasco以及七味粉的辣度去腥, 撒上亞洲料理的 ... ... <看更多>