📍 三訪 Update Review: http://globalfoodelicious.com/2730-cafe/
🔆 每次跟某位朋友約信義安和吃飯聊天, 幾乎都會選 2730 café 貳柒參零咖啡, 有貓, 有插座, 有台式簡餐, 有茶 (對~ 吃台式簡餐就是要配茶啊).
每天簡餐不太相同, 每項主餐皆附三樣小菜. 這次我選的是阿嬤控肉飯, 吃起來就像我娘滷的控肉 (加可樂版本), 而且有我愛吃的豆干, 超下飯. 熱蜜香紅茶端上桌時有讓我驚艷到, 沒想到是用彩釉茶壺, 紅茶不澀, 可點! 如果你常在咖啡店用電腦工作, 吃膩咖啡店的三明治, 可選擇到這裡!
With Lucas阿嬤愛旅行
🔆 When you work outside of office, you always choose coffee shop. However, if you are sick and tired of Coffee Shop Sandwiches, you can choose 2730 Cafe. They offer Taiwanese casual dish and Tea/Coffee. Also, they have two cats and wall sockets. I selected Braised Pork Rice Set, which includes three small appetizers. The braised pork is delicious and just simple flavor along with Dried Tofu. The Black Tea is considered quite good pairing with the salty braised pork!
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