「京碼 /光學尺📏:
「Hortech Company / Optic Scales:
Linear optical scales can be used for the integration of position feedback control of various motion platforms, the key components required for the position feedback control of the linear motion platform, the high precision and stability of the laser etched stripes are used as the standard, and then the electronic reading head calculates quickly to get location information and control integration.」
#疫情期間來訪請全程配戴口罩 😷
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2021探索館新展品 在 竹科大小事 Facebook 的最讚貼文
「能資國際 /可攜式四肢及胸腔輔助用 X光機📸🦴:
2.全世界最輕型的移動式X 光機,僅4公斤
5. CNT光源輻射劑量低,輻射洩漏低。
6. 使用支架系統,容易設置於各種地形及地點」
「Energy Resource International Co Ltd., / CVXair - Portable X ray machine for Chest and Extremities:
1. First development of X ray machine for extremities and chest screening
2. Lightest portable X ray machine in the world, only 4 KG
3. Can be used in far distancing tele-medicine or home care environment
4. Can be cleaned and disinfected by plastic bag wearing and removal
5. Low radiation and low leakage
6. Use a stand/bracket system, it is easy to set up in different location」
#疫情期間來訪請全程配戴口罩 😷
#入館前請配合實名制登記、量測額溫以及消毒雙手 🤲
➡本館位置:30078新竹市科技五路1號 (竹科管理局後方黃色馬賽克建築物)
➡導覽相關問題請洽:03-5773311 ext.1720,1721
➡導覽預約專線請洽:03-5773311 ext.2222~2224
1. 新竹科學園區官網首頁(www.sipa.gov.tw)→竹科管理局→參訪諮詢→線上預約
2. 科學園區探索館首頁(https://web.sipa.gov.tw/explore/)
2021探索館新展品 在 竹科大小事 Facebook 的最讚貼文
「萊鎂醫療器材 / iNAP®安鎂負壓睡眠呼吸治療裝置😴:
iNAP® One安鎂睡眠呼吸治療裝置主要針對阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症(OSA)居家治療使用;採與陽壓呼吸器不同的負壓原理,無需面罩,大幅提升療程舒適;透過APP📱,iNAP®可支援遠距居家睡眠照護。iNAP®已取得美國、歐盟與亞洲多國上市許可。」
「Somnics, Inc. / iNAP® One Sleep Therapy System:
iNAP® One Sleep Therapy System is a new, patient-preferred, non-surgical device for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in adults of all severities- mild, moderate, and severe. The iNAP® Sleep Therapy technology, using “intraoral negative air pressure” that treated the problem differently and without a mask, which is clinically proven to be a comfortable and discreet way to treat OSA. iNAP® can support sleep telemedicine service with its iNAP Lab+ APP and cloud platform. Now iNAP® has been prescribed in countries in Europe, Asia and available under a limited launch right in the US.」
#疫情期間來訪請全程配戴口罩 😷
#入館前請配合實名制登記、量測額溫以及消毒雙手 🤲
➡本館位置:30078新竹市科技五路1號 (竹科管理局後方黃色馬賽克建築物)
➡導覽相關問題請洽:03-5773311 ext.1720,1721
➡導覽預約專線請洽:03-5773311 ext.2222~2224
1. 新竹科學園區官網首頁(www.sipa.gov.tw)→竹科管理局→參訪諮詢→線上預約
2. 科學園區探索館首頁(https://web.sipa.gov.tw/explore/)
2021探索館新展品 在 #2021探索館新展品 - Explore | Facebook 的推薦與評價
December 22, 2021 ·. 探索館更新展品啦!. 「元健大和/助聽器(6ELA) : 元健大和致力研發之助聽器擁有『翻轉傳統用戶形象』的時尚造型,讓配戴者與一般人無異、更能 ... ... <看更多>