【#Benedict的酒店紀念簿 $2680維港海景房加送香檳晚餐】
有冇諗過$2680就可以住係灣仔嘅Grand Hyatt,面對住維港海景仲要係自己間房享受香檳晚餐?
近排香港酒店業不景氣大家都知,所以大家都各出奇謀但 Grand Hyatt Hong Kong 真係超級抵,佢地推出左個「Escape 24」嘅package,每晚只係$2680+10%,就可以有以下
房型同埋$1000餐飲Credit,我就之前8月住左,我同朋友們自製左個香檳晚餐(香檳入住時已經送),跟住只要熄少少燈,你就可以係一個場私人空間享受龍蝦湯、牛扒等等in-room dining美食,我地2個人叫左2個湯,3個main course,1個甜品再加埋酒店送嘅香檳都只係用左洗左$1400,即係只要補多$400總共和$3300左右就可以享受一晚無敵海景嘅Retreat加埋一餐私人美景晚餐。
如果唔鍾意咁樣用$1000 F&B Credit嘅你,你絕對應該要試佢地嘅Steak House。以呢個價錢,有海景房、有一餐Fine Dine、包Breakfast、仲要包埋香檳,認真我真好少見到抵到咁,佢地平時閒閒地一間房都$2000幾,呢個Promo去到12月29,用黎Couple Celebration,朋友慶祝生日或者Weekend Getaway都抵到無野好講,我已經有幾個FD約左大家一齊再去Stay 哈哈!
「Escape 24」住宿度假優惠 (每晚港幣2,680元,另加10% 服務費),包括:
24 小時的君悅豪華海景客房住宿體驗 (由入住登記時間開始計算)
免費泊車 (每次住宿1輛)
價值港幣1,000元 (每晚) 的餐飲消費額
於咖啡廳享用自助早餐 (兩位)
#30GrandYears #GrandHyattHongKong #GrandHyatt #Hyatt #GoGrand #HyattHK
30grandyears 在 味覺實驗室 -Food Science Oppa- Facebook 的精選貼文
雖然Oppa我有排都未拉埋天窗 (尤其見到宋仲基同安宰賢嘅消息, 試問小弟如何再去相信愛?🙃) 但好開心Grand Hyatt邀請我去見證佢哋嘅Romance Event😍
愛情, 咩嚟架?🤔 食得架?🤤 真係wor!😂 上星期五我就去咗灣仔君悅酒店, 品嚐初戀嘅感覺❤
Grand Hyatt好難得安排一次嘅wedding showcase, 去舊迎新, 將舊傢俬捨棄, 購入趕上潮流嘅擺設, 以全新面貌示人! 陳列出來嘅三種色系classy得嚟又浪漫💐 Ballroom裡面更有高科技projector, 可以為你塑造只屬於你的夢想婚禮💕
Thank you @grandhyatthongkong for inviting me to the glamorous ROMANCE Event💐 An extravagant afternoon packed with delicious food and great music to showcase their new Wedding collection💕
#GrandHyattHongKong rarely puts on these showcases, and it was a sight to behold! They displayed 3 pastel-coloured themes that were classy and gorgeous at the same time😍 In the ballroom, we were served scrumptious canapes (shout out to @smiit4u for her amazing desserts as always!👨🏻🍳) and entertained with jaw-dropping performances🎶 The projectors in the room help make you feel even more involved with your surroundings. Here, you can customize the dream wedding that truly belongs to YOU!🌟
Though I don't see myself getting married anytime in the near future, I am quite perplexed because this showcase-turned-concert set the bar way too high!!🙈 #30grandyears @ Grand Hyatt Hong Kong