但其實會造成檢查報告 #總膽固醇紅字
合成的主原料是 #阿西提歐口A (Acetyl CoA)
或是 #體內代謝膽固醇的機制失衡
☑其中飽和脂肪酸 <10%
☑多元不飽和脂肪酸 10%
☑單元不飽和脂肪酸 10~15%
同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過80萬的網紅果籽,也在其Youtube影片中提到,|飲酒面紅—亞洲人飲酒比西方人更易面紅 與先天基因缺陷有關 患食道癌機會更高要小心 身邊有沒有朋友飲酒之後很快面紅呢?這個現象叫酒精臉紅症(Alcohol Flush Syndrome) 。 不過為甚麼有人飲酒後會面紅,有人卻不會呢? 首先我們要理解酒精是如何分解的。酶(Enzyme)是一種催化劑...
acetyl-coa 在 Robert Hung 洪仕晟 Facebook 的最佳解答
0:14 人體有多少水
0:48 冰水vs溫水 要喝哪種好
1:47 喝水為什麼可以增加代謝
2:22 水中毒
3:00 運動的時候要喝多少水
5:14 水與便秘
5:43 身體如何產生水
6:38 不喝水斷食法
8:26 一天要喝多少水
Water is produced by our bodies as a byproduct of the metabolism during a process called cellular respiration, in which glucose and oxygen are used to produce energy for cells. This process is somewhat complicated and involves a number of steps, but water is formed in the final step. This is the same process that produces the carbon dioxide that we exhale. It is also called aerobic respiration because it uses oxygen to produce energy.
During cellular respiration, first glucose (sugar) from the food that we eat is broken down to create the molecules Pyruvate and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the main source of energy for cells and is a powerful energy storage molecule.
Glycolysis utilizes the compounds NAD+ and NADH, two enzymes, to produce some ATP. However, most of the ATP that cells use is made later in cellular respiration. The Pyruvate produced during glycolysis is converted into Acetyl COA. Acetyl COA then enters the mitochondria of the cell to produce further energy in the presence of oxygen. This is when water is produced by the metabolism. In the mitochondria, electrons from the molecules NADH and FADH2 are used for energy to power a set of reactions that will ultimate produce ATP, the powerhouse for the cell.
Toward the end of cellular respiration in the mitochondria, hydrogen and oxygen react together, producing water in the process. The other oxygen atom from this process is used as the final electron acceptor in the electron chain. This is how water is produced in the body; essentially, hydrogen from various coenzymes in the cell combine with oxygen from the lungs and create water as a byproduct.
acetyl-coa 在 飛教練 Facebook 的最佳貼文
或許你聽過”脂肪是燃燒在碳水化合物裡面"這句話,在我們身體中,有一種主要產生能量的方式,叫做Krebs Cycle,透過糖酵解將葡萄糖轉換成丙酮酸,丙酮酸在變成Acetyl-CoA,Acetyl-CoA參與Krebs Cycyle,不斷的重新生成Acetyl-CoA,Acetyl-CoA也供給我們的大腦能量運作,所以Acetyl-CoA在能量供給方面扮演了非常重要的角色。
肝臟在分解脂肪時本來就會產生酮體,我們的身體是很聰明的,在我們給予身體不足的碳水來源時,而當你身體有充足的體脂肪以及從膳食中攝取足夠的脂肪以及蛋白質時,再大量缺乏碳水化合物的情況下,只能大量的拿脂肪當作主要能量來源,此時身體會產生大量的酮體,漸漸不再透過Krebs Cycle,而是從酮體中重新生成Acetyl-CoA,大約7-14天左右,讓身體重新適應新的飲食方式,以維持我們的身體機能,所以為什麼低碳飲食,往往是一般人想要減脂,第一個想到的觀念,而最近流行的生酮飲食,也是因為這樣,讓很多人在不用運動的情況下,也可以瘦很多。但前提是必須要先調整好你的身體狀況,EX:基礎代謝率、內分泌系統…等,有勇無謀的飲食計畫,非但無效,還有可能傷身。
除非有特殊的需求,或是必須重新調整你的內分泌系統,不然其實,均衡的三大營養素攝取,多吃食物原型,充足的睡眠,好的運動習慣,才是讓身體在最低的風險下獲得健康的方式;一個良好的飲食計畫,必須要變成你的Life Style,並且要知道從一個飲食計畫銜接到另一個飲食計畫是需要很謹慎的,不是一個短期的衝刺,之後產生溜溜球效應,傷身傷荷包,得不償失。
#隨手心得筆記 #生化有講錯的麻煩不吝嗇指證
#說書團 #說書團精神 #Coach飛itness
#PN #趁高碳日趕快燒腦一下 #早上還跑了肌力訓練 #我快掛了
acetyl-coa 在 果籽 Youtube 的最佳貼文
|飲酒面紅—亞洲人飲酒比西方人更易面紅 與先天基因缺陷有關 患食道癌機會更高要小心
身邊有沒有朋友飲酒之後很快面紅呢?這個現象叫酒精臉紅症(Alcohol Flush Syndrome) 。 不過為甚麼有人飲酒後會面紅,有人卻不會呢?
首先我們要理解酒精是如何分解的。酶(Enzyme)是一種催化劑蛋白,可以幫人體調節化學反應的進行速度,我們體內發生的化學反應大部份都是受酶調節。酒精(乙醇Ethanol)進入人體之後,會由醛脫氫酶(Aldehyde dehydrogenase)代謝為乙醛(Acetaldehyde)。乙醛對於身體有害,當乙醛在我們的身體入邊累積,會令我們面紅、嘔心、頭暈和宿醉。我們的身體會將乙醛分解做一些對身體無害的物質,乙醛通過ALDH2代謝為乙酸鹽(Acetate),最後轉成乙醯輔酶A (Acetyl-CoA)。乙醯輔酶之後可以進入三羧酸循環 (Citric acid cycle)去製造能量。
【我是南丫島人】23歲仔獲cafe免費借位擺一人咖啡檔 $6,000租住350呎村屋:愛這裏互助關係 (果籽 Apple Daily) (https://youtu.be/XSugNPyaXFQ)
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【娛樂人物】情願市民留家唔好出街聚餐 鄧一君兩麵舖執笠蝕200萬 (蘋果日報 Apple Daily) (https://youtu.be/e3agbTOdfoY)
果籽 :http://as.appledaily.com
健康蘋台: http://applehealth.com.hk
動物蘋台: http://applepetform.com
#果籽 #飲酒 #飲酒面紅 #基因 #食道癌 #宿醉 #StayHome #WithMe #跟我一樣 #宅在家
acetyl-coa 在 Robert Hung Youtube 的精選貼文
0:14 人體有多少水
0:48 冰水vs溫水 要喝哪種好
1:47 喝水為什麼可以增加代謝
2:22 水中毒
3:00 運動的時候要喝多少水
5:14 水與便秘
5:43 身體如何產生水
6:38 不喝水斷食法
8:26 一天要喝多少水
Water is produced by our bodies as a byproduct of the metabolism during a process called cellular respiration, in which glucose and oxygen are used to produce energy for cells. This process is somewhat complicated and involves a number of steps, but water is formed in the final step. This is the same process that produces the carbon dioxide that we exhale. It is also called aerobic respiration because it uses oxygen to produce energy.
During cellular respiration, first glucose (sugar) from the food that we eat is broken down to create the molecules Pyruvate and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the main source of energy for cells and is a powerful energy storage molecule.
Glycolysis utilizes the compounds NAD+ and NADH, two enzymes, to produce some ATP. However, most of the ATP that cells use is made later in cellular respiration. The Pyruvate produced during glycolysis is converted into Acetyl COA. Acetyl COA then enters the mitochondria of the cell to produce further energy in the presence of oxygen. This is when water is produced by the metabolism. In the mitochondria, electrons from the molecules NADH and FADH2 are used for energy to power a set of reactions that will ultimate produce ATP, the powerhouse for the cell.
Toward the end of cellular respiration in the mitochondria, hydrogen and oxygen react together, producing water in the process. The other oxygen atom from this process is used as the final electron acceptor in the electron chain. This is how water is produced in the body; essentially, hydrogen from various coenzymes in the cell combine with oxygen from the lungs and create water as a byproduct.
#水 #健身 #減肥
acetyl-coa 在 Acetyl COA Shuttle | Fatty Acid Biosynthesis | Part I - YouTube 的推薦與評價
Fatty acid synthesis is the creation of fatty acids from acetyl-CoA and NADPH through the action of enzymes ... ... <看更多>