【國立臺灣大學109學年度畢業典禮 致詞代表 心理學系林世峰】
Student Address, National Taiwan University Commencement 2021
Shih-Feng Lin from the Department of Psychology
我回想起大三的一晚,我陪高三的學弟妹們為大考奮戰,原本想說幫忙解題而已,但最後他們卻對我說 :「學長,我讀書感覺好空、好累、好悶……」、「學長,我學這些到底為了什麼……」
President Kuan, distinguished guests, professors, parents, graduates, and friends on the screen, Hi! I am the valedictorian on behalf of graduates. I am Lin, Shih-Feng from the Department of Psychology.
The past transient four years brought me lasting remembrance. We made friends with classmates at Orientation Camp, searched for geese at Drunken Moon Lake, watched languid birds, Malayan Night Heron, on Zhoushan Road, biked to Wenzhou Street like a hipster and took a bite at the Lane 118. Although I dream that serene days live on, Covid-19 pandemic and the tragic loss of young lives suddenly happened. Hence, we have become the most puzzled and unique graduating class of 2021.
The events on campus were abruptly suspended. Online courses were augmented. The graduation prom and the feast at Palm Boulevard were cancelled. Even the onsite graduation ceremony and the banquet for thanking professors have become impossible but eternal regrets. One of my friends was forced to relinquish the opportunity to exchange abroad. And I could not fulfill my internship program of which I dream in Finland. Facing the disruption of planning and uncertainty as normalcy, we meet myriad challenges.
One day, I read a sentence written by James Carse in a second-hand bookstore on Wenzhou Street. To my astonishment, the philosopher categorizes human activities as two kinds of games. He said that "a finite game is played for the purpose of winning, an infinite game for the purpose of continuing the play.” All of a sudden, I realized that my struggling study arises from the trap of finite game. The limited learning like a sprint aims to prove superiority as means that we spare no effort to renew resume and acquire labels.
Reflecting back on one evening in my junior year, I accompanied third graders of high school who strived to prepare university entrance exam. I thought I could help answer their questions but eventually they said to me that “I felt aimless, exhausted, and suffocated…"“What is the purpose for learning indeed…?”
Right. Studying for exams and labels without inquiring into meaning and value could ensnare us within emptiness, exhaustion and pains. Therefore, I found NTU Avizure Education Club in partnership with peers from more than 20 departments. Students from over five universities including those from Hong Kong and Canada enter the community and guide middle and high schoolers to explore the meaning of learning and the value of self through application of what we have learned, leading to promising careers in the future.
While viewing the past and thinking of Finland, wasn’t it the ideal that I wish to accomplish after return to make learning more meaningful? The pandemic is an invisible stern teacher who teaches us to cherish each other in times of turmoil, to pursue dreams step by step in homeland, and to discover again. Learning is infinite grand journey embodied in a purpose, improving oneself to benefit others, exploring unknown, and creating value.
With joint endeavors of faculty and students, National Taiwan University today draws more attention to counseling resources. The Device of Epidemic Prevention No. 1, Azalea Festival online, and the University of Future project allow us as the most puzzled class to transform into the most unique and perseverant class with self-awareness. We firmly believe that anything that brings to the life gives meaning. Regardless of gradation and end of class, members of NTU would continue to consider and learn as well as proceed to accomplish in the infinite game of life. And the resonance of ringing the Full Bell in our mind never ceases.
I would like to extend my gratitude to professors, fellow classmates, family, friends, parents and grandparents in my path. Thank National Taiwan University for urging us to change. I expect each student and myself to transcend ourselves and to be compassionate toward others as active learners during trying times. We together create stories of common good and embrace the spirit to contribute to the universe. I am Lin, Shih-Feng. We are brave upon graduation. Thank you all.
#臺灣大學 #畢業典禮 #NTUCommencement2021 #學生致詞代表 #臺大心理學系 #林世峰
acquire meaning 在 孭起背包·遊歷不預期 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Pixar(皮克斯)的電影真的越來越有水準,由 Inside Out(港譯:玩轉腦朋友;台譯:腦筋急轉彎) 到 COCO(港譯:玩轉極樂園;台譯:可可夜總會),再到今次的 Soul (港譯:靈魂奇遇記;台譯:靈魂急轉彎), 每次都總能夠用輕鬆的故事,配以孩童的視角,為觀眾帶來不一樣的啟發。而這次談到人生意義,更是引來大量回響。
在Human Design 人類圖中,擁有28-38 困頓掙扎通道的我,本來就是一個典型的固執金牛座。一直以來,只要是我想做的事,沒有誰能夠阻止我。因為這種固執,我在大學年間不知就裡就學了三年的劍道,獨個兒跑到古巴去旅遊,今天還搬到台灣居住和發展事業。但也同樣是因為這份固執,曾讓我不停走進牛角尖,在自製的漩渦中越淊越深,無法自拔。
29歲的我,當天在工作中已經無法再找到太多的滿足感。行銷的工作一開始是有趣的,讓我有機會接觸到很多有趣新奇事。然而,當時間久了,我開始感到納悶,我開始疑惑到,我是否必須一直這樣待下去,重覆著一個又一個的品牌項目,把新酒重新灌注到舊瓶子中。我感到內心有股吶喊,我無法接受生命就是這樣。那個感覺大概跟在電影中,教小學(國小)學生玩樂器的Mr.G 類同吧。
當時的我,還未認識Human Design人類圖。在我的成長觀念中,我總覺得,如果對眼前的事物感到沉悶,就找一個新的來玩就好了。所以我不停去找「下一個目的地」。我渴望環遊世界,卻感慨自己沒有錢,也同時受束搏於家庭責任;我渴望找一個更有意義的工作,把對歷史、文化、旅遊這些興趣轉化為志業,但卻總是無法找到合適的機會。
就這樣,我一次又一次地透過新的夢想去爬出那困境,卻又偏偏同時跌進下一個深淵。一次又一次的夢想為我賦予力量,但伴隨而來的竟是一次又一次夢想無法實現的失落。希望與失望形成一個具大的漩渦,把我一直向下拉,一直向下拉。我就是在這個時刻認識了Human Design 人類圖。
在二元性的世界中,我們每個原廠設定中的特質皆是一把雙面刄,而Human Design 人類圖真正在表達的,就是如何把控制權交回身體,讓她去決定如何使用這雙面刄。懂得運用的話,對尋找人生意義的渴望,能夠讓我們走進一個又一個精彩的不預期旅程;但若誤用的話,就會像我過去那樣,把自己逼到一個死胡同去。
Stop searching for purpose and meaning of life.
Start creating it by simply living it.
換句話說,28-38 的意義並非頭腦想像出來的意義,並非想找到一個答案的渴望,而是渴望在生命中,親身感受並從中找到意義。它代表一個不斷尋找意義的旅程,而非在頭腦中為事情找意義的思辨過程。
“The last little piece for all of the souls to acquire before they can head to earth is a “spark.”.........Your spark isn’t your purpose. That last box fills in when you’re ready to come live.” – Soul
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acquire meaning 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文
[教育時評] 如何發展批判性思考?
We now know that critical thinking is needed to solve complex problems and that it can be defined as a set of skills, but how exactly do we develop it?
來拿我們的【新聞英文+批判性思考: Marketing & Influencers 補充包】https://bit.ly/2YJPZvb
One way is to use Bloom's taxonomy when learning something new. After you remember the information, see if you can move up the pyramid by using the key verbs listed in each step to facilitate discussion and higher-order thinking.
One does not need to carry out each of these steps in order (e.g., apply before analyze). However, learners typically need to "understand" information before they can "analyze" and "evaluate" it.
Bloom's taxonomy can be used individually or with teachers and peers. Use it when acquiring information or thinking about a complex issue.
當你在接收資訊時,布魯姆的分類法(Bloom's taxonomy)或許是其中一種可用之法。布魯姆分類法是美國教育心理學家班傑明・布魯姆(Benjamin Bloom)於1956年在芝加哥大學所提出的分類法,將教育者的教學目標分類,以便更有效地達成各項目標。在你記住所接收的資訊後,請檢視自己是否可以用下方金字塔中所列出的關鍵動詞來逐步遞進。
Can you use this taxonomy in English learning? Can you think critically when learning English?
Yes, you can! Language is a tool for us to decode text, symbols, and sounds and find meaning. It enables us to receive and give information, or in short, to communicate. Once we receive information, we can take the next step and begin thinking critically. Doing so will enhance our understanding of new information and help us to decide what action to take.
Many beginning English learners think it is impossible to think critically when learning because they only understand a few words. However, a learner can use critical thinking even when learning the most basic words!
First, teachers can use the students' first language to help them understand higher-level concepts and facilitate thinking. Second, learners can break down the complex process of critical thinking into simple steps by using Bloom's taxonomy.
As you can see, you can develop critical thinking every time you acquire new information, even when learning a second language. Now you know what critical thinking is, how it can help you, and how you can develop it!
After all that, I am still not going to give you a simple definition of critical thinking. If I were to do so, then I would not be helping you to think critically.
You're welcome to leave your own definition below.
Athanassiou, N., McNett, J. M., & Harvey, C. (2003). Critical thinking in the management classroom: Bloom's taxonomy as a learning tool. Journal of Management Education, 27(5), 533-555.
Facione, P. A. (2011). Critical thinking: What it is and why it counts. Insight assessment, 2007(1), 1-23.
McPeck, J. E. (2016). Critical thinking and education. Routledge.
Bonus question: What is the biggest difference between the steps "apply" and "create"?
Hint: You can find the answer in the picture.
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