In-truth, if we choose to work or push our bodies to deep exhaustion for whatever reason or cause, and then need to and can jump on to a plane to a third world country or to a modern city to dump our tiredness or shop till we drop, and escape for a while, then we are still in comfort. (Btw, have we ever questioned why natural disasters happen in the third world countries, and why Japanese animae have themes such as the whole country flooding? Is there anything such as coincidence?)
As when there is no possibility to leave the place or the situation where you are in, I wonder if we would then learn to appreciate what we’ve been given? To see beyond the surface and realize that life has been giving us an opportunity to bid comfort farewell, because this choice then truly returns us to committing to life and facing whatever that needs to be faced, no matter how challenging it may be, no fanfare needed, simply with the deep surrender back to our body and to truth—life opens up in an absolutely different way. .
Photography: @maggiewwwhy
#ootd swimwear: @jadeswim